Develop a production Sidekiq job to run the banner data update script every 10 minutes, keeping the data in the pSQL database up to date. Datadog monitoring will alert Slack when the cron job fails, ensuring timely maintenance and minimizing downtime.
Timing in Cron, YAML, etc @dsasser @SnowboardTechie please fill in helpful details
Path for location parameter:
Slack Channel for alert: #facilities-monitoring
Sequence Note: This task must be completed after Story 4 and can be done in parallel with Story 6.
Testing & QA
[ ] Ensure schedule jobs continue to function
[ ] Code review
Scope / Impact analysis
Schedule Jobs
Roles / assignments
Functional testing:
Code review:
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Location parameter is passed
[ ] Sidekiq job runs the banner data update script every 10 minutes in production.
[ ] Monitoring alerts on job failure
[ ] Job updates banner data consistently in the database.
[ ] Datadog Monitoring acts as Regression test plan
Bryan likely to pick this up after Story 4, may be less complex than 5 points, but might be at risk for sprint just due to the work that comes before it.
Develop a production Sidekiq job to run the banner data update script every 10 minutes, keeping the data in the pSQL database up to date. Datadog monitoring will alert Slack when the cron job fails, ensuring timely maintenance and minimizing downtime.
Slack Channel for alert: #facilities-monitoring
Sequence Note: This task must be completed after Story 4 and can be done in parallel with Story 6.
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
Roles / assignments
Acceptance criteria