Staff Profile content gets published, and may appear on Leadership listing pages.
They may also have standalone pages. Not all will.
Product Owner
Sitewide Facilities
Definition of Done
[ ] Conditional logic matches content-build / production
[ ] SEO Metadata matches production
[ ] Analytics match production
Interaction / Behavior:
[ ] Interactions / behavior match production (e.g. accordion expansion by default on page load if they do, data IDs on elements / their usage, link behavior, form / input field behaviors, etc)
[ ] Lovell Logic: Do the Tricare (/lovell-federal-health-care-tricare/) and VA (/lovell-federal-health-care-va/) variants of each page have the proper System in the
[ ] alert
[ ] URL
[ ] breadcrumbs
[ ] left nav
[ ] VA Manila (/manila-va-clinic): do any pages appear properly and respect the custom IA, including:
[ ] URL
[ ] breadcrumbs
[ ] left nav
[ ] Accessibility experience matches production (voiceover/screen reader behavior, appearance at 400% zoom, params on elements, etc)
[ ] axe devTools output matches production
Visual presentation:
[ ] Design system components, prop usage and component versions match production
[ ] Design (font size, spacing, Anything else?) matches production
[ ] Review all breakpoints
Signoff / Launch
[ ] Owning team has reviewed the build and provided feedback / approval
Template or Content Type
Staff Profile content gets published, and may appear on Leadership listing pages. They may also have standalone pages. Not all will.
Product Owner
Sitewide Facilities
Definition of Done
Interaction / Behavior:
Visual presentation:
Signoff / Launch