[ ] Conditional logic matches content-build / production
[ ] SEO Metadata matches production
[ ] Analytics match production
Interaction / Behavior:
[ ] Interactions / behavior match production (e.g. accordion expansion by default on page load if they do, data IDs on elements / their usage, link behavior, form / input field behaviors, etc)
[ ] Lovell Logic: Do the Tricare (/lovell-federal-health-care-tricare/) and VA (/lovell-federal-health-care-va/) variants of each page have the proper System in the
[ ] alert
[ ] URL
[ ] breadcrumbs
[ ] left nav
[ ] VA Manila (/manila-va-clinic): is verified for
[ ] custom IA
[ ] alerts
[ ] URL
[ ] breadcrumbs
[ ] left nav
[ ] Accessibility experience matches production (voiceover/screen reader behavior, appearance at 400% zoom, params on elements, etc)
[ ] axe devTools output matches production
Visual presentation:
[ ] Design system components, prop usage and component versions match production
[ ] Design (font size, spacing, Anything else?) matches production
[ ] Review all breakpoints
Signoff / Launch
[ ] Owning team has reviewed the build and provided feedback / approval
Template or Content Type
Health Services really appear on VAMC Facility pages.
But: content is here: https://prod.cms.va.gov/admin/content?title=&type=health_care_local_facility&moderation_state=published&owner=All
Product Owner
Sitewide Facilities
Definition of Done
Interaction / Behavior:
Visual presentation:
Signoff / Launch