On the Discharge Upgrade Wizard results screen, there is a Print this page button at the bottom of the text content.
We need to review all permutations of the DUW results screen to be sure only the desired information is presenting on the printed page. Specifically we should confirm:
[ ] How should links display? Should we see the full link URL, or hide the link?
[ ] Should we remove all buttons (e.g. "Print this page", "Back")
[ ] Is there any other page content that is not helpful in a printed context?
User story
AS A Veteran who is viewing the Discharge Upgrade Wizard results page and has clicked the 'Print this page' button
I WANT to see only helpful, necessary information on the print view of the results page
SO THAT it's less visually 'busy', and also so that ink/toner isn't wasted printing works or images that aren't useful or meaningful.
Analytics considerations
@FranECross Here's the DS event that we get when clicking the "Print this page" button. This is likely sufficient for our purposes but just wanted to drop it here for your review.
[Fran Cross] @randimays The DS event info we get seems to be sufficient. I see in the GA4 event: button info it provides the URL for DUW results page as well, so all the info we need is there.
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
What, if anything, could break as a result of this change?Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.
Roles / assignments
After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.
[ ] Functional testing:
[ ] Code review:
[ ] Design review:
[ ] Accessibility review:
[ ] Product acceptance:
Acceptance criteria
_ACs should capture expected behavior, to inform test plans. Consider devices, documentation updates including KBs, change management, and content model when applicable._
On the Discharge Upgrade Wizard results screen, there is a
Print this page
button at the bottom of the text content.We need to review all permutations of the DUW results screen to be sure only the desired information is presenting on the printed page. Specifically we should confirm:
User story
AS A Veteran who is viewing the Discharge Upgrade Wizard results page and has clicked the 'Print this page' button I WANT to see only helpful, necessary information on the print view of the results page SO THAT it's less visually 'busy', and also so that ink/toner isn't wasted printing works or images that aren't useful or meaningful.
Analytics considerations
@FranECross Here's the DS event that we get when clicking the "Print this page" button. This is likely sufficient for our purposes but just wanted to drop it here for your review.
Testing & QA
Scope / Impact analysis
What, if anything, could break as a result of this change? Engineer should assess this when approaching PR.
Roles / assignments
After functional testing, code review, accessibility review, and design review can happen in parallel.
Acceptance criteria
_ACs should capture expected behavior, to inform test plans. Consider devices, documentation updates including KBs, change management, and content model when applicable._