What needs to be checked to prove this works?
What needs to be checked to prove it didn't break any related things?
What variations of circumstances (users, actions, values) need to be checked?
As user uid with _userrole
Do this
[ ] Validate that
[ ] Validate that
Then validate Acceptance Criteria from issue
[ ] a
[ ] b
[ ] c
Definition of Done
[ ] Documentation has been updated, if applicable.
[ ] Tests have been added if necessary.
[ ] Automated tests have passed.
[ ] Code Quality Tests have passed.
[ ] Acceptance Criteria in related issue are met.
[ ] Manual Code Review Approved.
[ ] If there are field changes, front end output has been thoroughly checked.
Select Team for PR review
[ ] CMS Team
[ ] Public websites
[ ] Facilities
[ ] User support
[ ] Accelerated Publishing
Is this PR blocked by another PR?
Does this PR need review from a Product Owner
[ ] Needs PO review
CMS user-facing announcement
Is an announcement needed to let editors know of this change?
[ ] Yes, and it's written in issue ____ and queued for publication.
[ ] Merge and ping the UX writer so they are ready to publish after deployment
[ ] Yes, but it hasn't yet been written
[ ] Don't merge yet -- ping the UX writer to write and queue content
[ ] No announcement is needed for this code change.
Relates to #issueid. (or closes?)
Testing done
QA steps
What needs to be checked to prove this works? What needs to be checked to prove it didn't break any related things? What variations of circumstances (users, actions, values) need to be checked?
As user uid with _userrole
Definition of Done
Select Team for PR review
CMS Team
Public websites
User support
Accelerated Publishing
Is this PR blocked by another PR?
Does this PR need review from a Product Owner
Needs PO review
CMS user-facing announcement
Is an announcement needed to let editors know of this change?