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CMS - Lighthouse: push Vet Center CAP data #4411

Open kevwalsh opened 3 years ago

kevwalsh commented 3 years ago


This AC is still up in the air:

omahane commented 1 year ago

Do we currently push facility data when the node hasn't been published (e.g., vet_center, vet_center_outstation)?

swirtSJW commented 1 year ago

Do we currently push facility data when the node hasn't been published (e.g., vet_center, vet_center_outstation)?

We push facility statuses when a node is not published so that the Facility API has the current status even if there is no FE page published. The difference with CAPs is that they originate in the CMS. They do not exist in the Facility API until they are published in the CMS and we push them to FAPI. CAPs have a chicken and Egg problem that none of the other facility types have.

kmariepat-cityfriends commented 1 year ago

There is a PR that has the CAP data ready to push, waiting on LH to make an endpoint and potentially they may come back with changes

jilladams commented 5 months ago

Most recent PR: