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[Tech Debt] 526 Claims: Payee Code Errors #11353

Open luke-gcio opened 4 years ago

luke-gcio commented 4 years ago

Issue Description

when we submit a form to EVSS we sometimes get back the error:

form526.submit.establishClaim.serviceError: Benefit Type, Payee code or EP Code is not valid. Benefit Type must be CPD, Payee code must be 00, 10 - 29, 50, 60 or 70 - 78.

What can we do to better handle this error?

Note: This is not something we submit and does not feel like a retryable error so likely need to just tell EVSS to fix it.


Acceptance Criteria

annaswims commented 3 years ago

affected 49 users in the past month

annaswims commented 3 years ago

we can find instances of this by running rake form526:errors in prod.

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

Waiting on Harlow's response (DM re how best to get EDIPI's to him)

annaswims commented 3 years ago

VA encrypted email is probably his preference, but the challenge is how to get it to citrix to send 😢

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

Harlow responded. DM'ed EDIPI's

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

Harlow update:

No word yet. We opened SNOW ticket INC**** on 9/22 and today we emailed the VBMS ProdOps team to escalate the ticket.

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

VBMS responded:

annaswims commented 3 years ago

Silvio did some work recently on parsing participant id's. I'd like to see if there isn't more we could do to determine which id is correct if there is a spouse's participant id present.

luke-gcio commented 3 years ago

Would you say the only thing left for this story is front end work to improve the messaging? Since we have the duplicate MVI thing already being worked on separately.

annaswims commented 3 years ago

SSOe might be able to help us get the correct id -

luke-gcio commented 3 years ago

Based on the comment from Anna we should use the SSOe rollout (and write a new ticket for this that captures the updated direction).

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

About to push an updated PR BIRLS PR

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

My hope is that this PR, when completely updated will help resolve this class of errors, as well as the errors mentioned in #13949

Unfortunately, EVSS is revamping their error responses right now (less 500s, more 400s) which might make it hard to figure out the impact of my PR.

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

Responding to feedback on this PR

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

requested more feedback from Anna

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

first PR merged pushing up the next

edmangimelli commented 3 years ago

still waiting on a VSP review of

annaswims commented 2 years ago

SSOe and retrying all possible BIRLS id's don't fix the error (at least not entirely)

annaswims commented 2 years ago

Found another (partial) explanation. Some veterans have multiple CORP id's. this can be resolved by IAM.

I sent a list of 164 EDIPI's to @joeniquette for veterans who had failed submissions in the past 3 months and also had multiple active corp id's.

annaswims commented 2 years ago

passed on another 88 vets who were affected, via va email. I emailed Joe and Kimberly.

I also made a form526:corp_id_errors rake task. Ideally we shouldn't have to ask for this to be done manually, but that's what we've got for now. We can regularly (weekly?) send this list to the people who can do something about it.