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Dedicated Content Editor support from BAM2 #12978

Open leahkeeler opened 3 years ago

leahkeeler commented 3 years ago

Why you're here

Steps to complete intake request

When to submit a request

Requests should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of the targeted launch/completion. Make your request as soon as you're aware you will need Public Website participation. Different types of requests may require more time in advance. For apps tool content support, try to engage a content person for your project kick-off.


Provide a background of your tool/functionality. Debt Letters Iteration 2- Building on MVP this iteration will provide the veteran debt details and summarize about 250 debt codes into easier to understand categories which will have content about what the status of the debt is

Request Type

Select all applicable and provide details behind your request



Desired/target implementation date

What is the ETA for the launch or date when request needs to be completed (for instance, for a user research session or eBenefits migration)? Our team's capacity will determine which sprint the work falls into.

Requestor info

Indicate what team and who the primary contacts are on your team

Public Websites internal use

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 3 years ago

Hi @leahkeeler. I'd like to schedule a call to go over the details of this work. @peggygannon should be included in that call as well, as we'll be working together on this. Also, do you have a target timeline yet? An estimate will help us prioritize the work. Thanks!

leahkeeler commented 3 years ago

Hi Danielle - Thanks!!!! I will schedule for later this week, I do have a high level timeline to share