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Cerner patient portal does not load on IE11 user agent string (dark blue screen, off VA network) #15472

Open mchelen-gov opened 4 years ago

mchelen-gov commented 4 years ago

What happened? shows only a blank blue screen



Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign in with My Healthevet"
  3. Login using credentials mhvtestvet01 ; pw in slack in #vagov-cerner-launch-coordination
  4. Go to
  5. Click on go to the blue "Go to My VA Health" button.
  6. Browser loads successfully
  7. Change browser agent string in devtools to IE11
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
  8. Reload page (cache disabled)
  9. Blank blue screen is shown

Desired behavior

Page should render

Acceptance Criteria

How to configure this issue

mchelen-gov commented 4 years ago

Tested user agent strings



mchelen-gov commented 4 years ago

failing user agent strings cause JS errors:

polyfill.min.js?features=Array.prototype.%40%40iterator:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string
    at Object.V [as f] (polyfill.min.js?features=Array.prototype.%40%40iterator:3)
    at t.exports (_hide.js:4)
    at Object.<anonymous> (es6.symbol.js:240)
    at e (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (shim.js:1)
    at e (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:3)
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:27)
    at e (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (polyfills.js:11)
V @ polyfill.min.js?features=Array.prototype.%40%40iterator:3
t.exports @ _hide.js:4
(anonymous) @ es6.symbol.js:240
e @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19
(anonymous) @ shim.js:1
e @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19
(anonymous) @ index.js:3
(anonymous) @ index.js:27
e @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19
(anonymous) @ polyfills.js:11
e @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:19
(anonymous) @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:62
(anonymous) @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:62


ComponentPagelet.js:48 Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
    at ComponentPagelet.js:48
    at ComponentPagelet.js:47
    at Object.<anonymous> (ComponentPagelet.js:27)
    at o (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49)
    at Object.<anonymous> (Pagelet.js:23)
    at o (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49)
    at Object.<anonymous> (Page.js:33)
    at o (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49)
    at Object.<anonymous> (EAFtoTerraConverter.js:22)
    at o (bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49)
(anonymous) @ ComponentPagelet.js:48
(anonymous) @ ComponentPagelet.js:47
(anonymous) @ ComponentPagelet.js:27
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ Pagelet.js:23
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ Page.js:33
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ EAFtoTerraConverter.js:22
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ Layout.js:27
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ HealthelifeFrameworkApplication.js:38
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ index.js:7
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ index.jsx:4
o @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:49
(anonymous) @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:144
(anonymous) @ bootstrap da85683d5ceac48985b8:144
lalexanderson-dsva commented 4 years ago

When the user changed their compatibility settings, they were able to load the page properly.