Test real-world user scenarios to ensure your product or feature performs as expected.
Desired date range or test duration: September 2020
Desired number of users: 4 (2 developer pairs from 2 VFS teams)
The group(s) from which you'll recruit test users: VFS
How you'll recruit test users: Slack announcements and Team of Teams
How you'll give test users access to the product: product is available for use for all teams, just not required yet
What "Success" criteria will you look at before launch?
We will know we're ready for full rollout when ...
We've updated documentation to address all questions that arose in moderated testing
Qualitative feedback on PACT
How you'll measure your "Success" criteria?
Conduct moderated usability sessions with VFS teams to obtain feedback, address questions, and track necessary resulting updates to documentation and implementation
Number of users: 4 (2 developer pairs on 2 VFS teams)
Phase I: User Acceptance Testing
Test real-world user scenarios to ensure your product or feature performs as expected.
Number of users: 4 (2 developer pairs on 2 VFS teams)
Results per your "Success" criteria:
Number of bugs identified / fixed: see tickets above
Any UX changes necessary based on the logs, user feedback, or VA challenges? yes
Phase II: Go Live!
Phase 3: Post-launch Results [Optional]
1-month results:
1-quarter results:
Post-launch Questions
To be completed once you have gathered your initial set of data, as outlined above.