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281 stars 198 forks source link header and footer updates from Public Websites Team #15614

Closed mpeterz closed 2 years ago

mpeterz commented 3 years ago

Updates to header and footer

Content support:

Already worked with Public Websites content team on the text. Visual design mockup coming very soon.

Engineering support for:

How to submit your request

Engineering requests

Please submit all engineering requests at least 1 full sprint in advance (so we can work it into our next sprint).

About your app/tool/functionality

About your support needs

Please select all that apply, and follow related guidance.

Frontend engineering support

New "Resources and support" landing page, formerly "Learning Center" URL: /resources New contact us page URL: /contact-us

Desired/target implementation date

What's the ETA for the app/tool launch or the date when you need this request completed? Our team's capacity will determine which sprint the work falls into.

About your team

Public Websites internal use

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

rtwell commented 3 years ago


DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 3 years ago

Note: We'll be aiming to publish the new "Contact us" within the next week. We wanted to give R&S a little time live before pointing it to it from contact us page. The PW team can make these changes once that's published (I'll confirm here once it is). @brianalloyd could we work this into the coming sprint? Thanks!

mnorthuis commented 3 years ago

@rtwell Can you provide mobile designs as well?

rtwell commented 3 years ago

I do not have bandwidth atm for mocking this up on mobile, nor am I sure if it's needed b/c the changes are all typographic. If it is needed @mpeterz please ping me and we can figure something out. This should not be a blocker as far as I'm concerned, but I could be missing something.

mnorthuis commented 3 years ago

Definitely not a blocker, just wasn't sure if you had them. The groupings in the contact us footer area are a bit different than currently, so wasn't sure if that needed to be laid out.

rtwell commented 3 years ago

ah, i see what you're getting at @mnorthuis — we collapse the right-most column into a contact us accordion, and we drop the Crisis line info. i'm not sure how we want to handle these changes @mpeterz. Here's a visualization of what we do now, and what it would do with the changes. if it helps visualize the challenge:


rtwell commented 3 years ago

super side note slash nitpicky observation—do we need all the periods? not my domain, just curious.

jenniferlee-dsva commented 3 years ago

@mpeterz @DanielleThierryUSDSVA - just noticing that the first 3 columns use headers in the normal style (un-punctuated), but the final column use headers with periods. I don't care which way, but I do think header styling should be consistent.

jenniferlee-dsva commented 3 years ago

One more thing - sorry to only just now notice this: There is currently a column in the footer called "More resources." Is it weird to have a thing called "Resources and support" under "Get answers" instead of under "More resources"?

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 3 years ago

@jenniferlee-dsva Yeah, I think we can drop periods. Definitely should be consistent in style.

Speaking of consistency, it also looks like columns 1-3 are title case in the mockup. They should be sentence case, per existing footer.

And the "c" in "crisis" in this one should be lowercase:


For your other Q: It is a little weird. Maybe we change More VA Resources to something like More VA links?

bethpottsVADEPO commented 3 years ago

@kelsonic @ncksllvn I don't think you have a ticket yet for implementing these footer changes, do you? We'd like to move forward with this now. Let me know if you'd like to create this ticket or if I should.

ncksllvn commented 3 years ago

I think we had one but it was closed long, long ago

jenniferlee-dsva commented 3 years ago

@DanielleThierryUSDSVA - replying to your comment/question:

For your other Q: It is a little weird. Maybe we change More VA Resources to something like More VA links?

Let's not change it because there is probably some history with VA WBC stakeholders as to how the links and the verbiage were selected during the 2018 inaugural launch. Doesn't mean we can never change it, but should do it with a more holistic and broadly communicated initiative.

jenniferlee-dsva commented 3 years ago

My only other comment is that our style guide calls for "regional office," and specifically says don't use "benefit office."

This isn't a style that originated with me, but it seems like a tremendous amount of negotiation with VASMEs went into it. I don't want us to start hurdy gurdy changing things up without strong rationales and updating and communicating with VA folks on a term that directly affects them. Since we rely on them to voluntarily follow our style guide, it's not a good look if we don't follow it ourselves, especially somewhere very visible like the global footer.

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 3 years ago

That's been my understanding around "regional office" vs. "benefit office" as well, @jenniferlee-dsva. I remember we all talked about this in one of our content/ia check-ins, and @mpeterz had a different perspective from recent taxonomy work. Meg, thoughts around this?