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Analytics | Translation | Spanish | Corona FAQ #16667

Closed SKasimow closed 3 years ago

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

Google Analytics Implementation

Request is for Google Analytics implementation

Request to add Google tags to the Spanish language pages being created for the Spanish Corona pages. This includes the Covid FAQ's page and the Research Volunteer info page.

Note: decision was made 12/17/20 to NOT support a Spanish version of the Research Volunteer form.

More Information - - ~

Use this template to request Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics implementation or QA for your product. Please fill out all brackets.

> _Please see the following information for implementation timeline:_ > New Teams: Implementation will usually be completed in 4 sprints: > > - Sprint 1: Discovery/Orientation > - Sprint 2: FE Implementation > - Sprint 3: Tagging Implementation > - Sprint 4: QA > > All other teams: Implementation will usually be completed in 2 sprints > > - Sprint 1: Discovery and FE Implementation > - Sprint 2: Tagging Implementation and QA For more information, please check out the [Google Tag Manager resources]( An example of a completed request template can be found [here]( A fully completed issue can help speed up the implementation process.


Google Analytics

@DanielleThierryUSDSVA @SKasimow

_Provide any relevant contact information and link this issue to the insights team on the DSVA Slack Channel: `#VFS-Platform-Support`._

Danielle Thierry Sharon Kasimow

Public Websites / Content and Localization


_Identify if PII is passed in URL or title tag_


Launch date targeted for 1/20/21

- [Provide relevant dates here]

We should track same things as we do for the English pages


- [Provide sample users or link to user information here]

No authentication needed


Please leave the following blank

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

joanneesteban commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @SKasimow ! Is there a date that you're hoping this is completed by?

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

Hi - @joanneesteban - if we could do before the end of next week that would be great!!

jonwehausen commented 3 years ago

Assigning to @bmcgrady-ep.

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

Hi @SKasimow could you provide some more information here? Particularly, we are looking for product documentation, KPIs, and URLs to the pages you specifically want tracking on. Thank you!

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep Hi - apologies I was drafting this ticket and didn't mean to assign to you yet! I'm going to take back and will re-assign when complete! Sharon

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@joanneesteban - sorry Joanne. I thought you were asking about when I'd like to have the orientation overview when I replied (got my tickets mixed).

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@DanielleThierryUSDSVA Hi Danielle - tagging you on this analytics ticket for our review later; need some help to complete.

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

@SKasimow - Do you have an update on this ticket? Let us know when you want us to start on this ticket.

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep - good timing. I was just finishing up this ticket and will assign to you. Please lmk if you need any additional info (I should have the URLs on Monday 12/14) and will add them into the ticket. Happy to set up some time to walk-through as this is my first GA ticket :)

cc: @DanielleThierryUSDSVA

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep Update: will have URLs by end of this week (12/18) and will include as soon as I receive.

joanneesteban commented 3 years ago

@SKasimow looking forward to the URLs!

To clarify, are you looking for tracking specifically on Spanish pages?

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

Hi @joanneesteban - here's a summary of what I think we will need for this effort:

  1. set up tracking for the new spanish-language pages and spanish Volunteer Research form (similar to the tracking for the english pages in use today).
  2. we also want to track the CTRs for the links we will be adding to both spanish and english versions of the page; these are new links and will enable a user to toggle back and forth between english and spanish pages.
  3. there is some PII collected on the Research Volunteer form so will need some help understanding how/what we can track (although I imagine we can mirror what we do on the english language version of the form).
  4. we would like to provide a survey (need some help understanding options/frequency etc).

Since this is my first analytics effort, could we set up some time to review these requirements live? Think that would be really helpful for me to have a better understanding of the process.

cc: @DanielleThierryUSDSVA

joanneesteban commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep to meet with Sharon & team on 12/23.

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

@SKasimow - It was nice meeting with you today. Let me know when the staging links are up and I can QA the events.

Here are a few links to the current tracking on the English versions of the pages:

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep Hi Ben - nice meeting with you as well. One other question that I meant to ask you earlier is re the new links we will be adding; there will be one on the English page to take user to the spanish version of page and vice versa. Do we need new tag or anything to track or is it just a click event?


bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

@SKasimow - It should just be tracked as a Navigation Click, which @youngfreezyVA should be able to see examples of that Data Layer code on other pages. Let me know if you have any other questions.

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep Thanks Ben!

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

Hi @SKasimow - Just following up to see if there is an update on the status of the implementation of this. Once it is completed on your end, I will QA to make sure the analytics are coming in as expected and also will start on the GA dashboard that you requested. Thanks!

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

Hi @bmcgrady-ep - our developer @youngfreezyVA is in the process of adding GA to the page today/tomorrow. We have the Staging Review next week on 1/19 but I will ping you as soon the analytics are incorporated so you can test in advance. Thanks for checking! Sharon

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

Hi @SKasimow and @youngfreezyVA - I went through the Analytics tracking on the page and found something that needs to be added. For all navigation link clicks on the page (links that take the user to another page/section of, the following Data Layer code should be fired:

  event: 'nav-covid-link-click',
  faqText: 'How can I stay informed about COVID-19 vaccines at VA?', //pass in the text of the link clicked
  faqSection: 'Coronavirus-specific concerns' //pass in the section of the page

Here is a screenshot: image

Also, one more thing - do you want the tracking to be in English or Spanish? It is currently in Spanish, so the reporting will only show things in Spanish. If you want it to be in English, then the text passed into Analytics should be in English.

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep Hi Ben - is tracking for all the links on the page something we do today on the english language page? If so, agree this should be added to the spanish page since our goal was to mirror english page.

And since none of us reads/speaks spanish I think we need the reporting to be in English - good catch!


cc @youngfreezyVA @DanielleThierryUSDSVA

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

@SKasimow @youngfreezyVA - Yes, the English page tracks all of the links. Apologizes for the delayed response here.

youngfreezyVA commented 3 years ago

thanks @bmcgrady-ep, I am digging in to how the recording of analytics works with the "Get the latest updates on COVID-19 vaccines at VA" link on the english page and will revert with findings. cc @SKasimow

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

@youngfreezyVA - I am seeing all of the link events coming in for the Spanish page. I did notice that the text is still coming in Spanish and was wondering if that could be changed to English.

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

Hi @youngfreezyVA - I am still seeing the text in the event action coming in Spanish. Is this something that you will be able to update on your end?

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

@youngfreezyVA @SKasimow - We found out a way to get the text in English in BigQuery and Domo, so any Domo dashboard would have the text in English.

Closing this ticket out on our end.

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep Thanks Ben. So for GA the text will remain in spanish but Domo will be English. Think the should be fine for now. Maybe something to revisit when we have multiple pages in spanish :)

cc: @youngfreezyVA @DanielleThierryUSDSVA

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

Hi @youngfreezyVA - I noticed that there is one link on the Spanish FAQ page that needs to be tracked. It is the "Read this page in English" link. image

The following dataLayer should be added when a user clicks on the link:

  event: 'nav-covid-link-click',
  faqText: undefined,
  faqSection: undefined

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

SKasimow commented 3 years ago

@youngfreezyVA let me know if a new ticket is needed for this?

youngfreezyVA commented 3 years ago

no new ticket is needed thank you, i created a custom event for that link, but it looks like it should be the same as all the other links. i'm seeing if i can re use the existing logic for the other links

youngfreezyVA commented 3 years ago

@bmcgrady-ep confirming that the same structure is fine for the english page and the spanish translation link:

    event: 'nav-covid-link-click',
    faqText: undefined,
    faqSection: undefined
bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

Hi @youngfreezyVA - yes the same structure is fine for the English page as well.

bmcgrady-ep commented 3 years ago

The tracking for the links have now been added. Closing out this ticket.