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need feedback: clarify internal vs. external team trust framework #18

Closed leahbannon closed 5 years ago

leahbannon commented 5 years ago


Our current model of trust is organized around internal vs. external teams — it needs clarification, especially as we grow. This also affects several other decisions (linked below). Priority: Iterate on Platform MVP

Current approach:

A VFS (platform, web, or apps) internal team reviewer must review any suggested changes or PRs to

This question primarily arises when teams need to push a change to For PR reviews: For all teams, pull requests are reviewed by another team member on a project. Then,


andrewhughey commented 5 years ago

I hope whatever we come up with isn't limited by the current model. Ideally, all teams building on the platform would have to play by the same rules.

Some other ideas besides the external / internal team model:

rroueche commented 5 years ago

Initial thoughts (more to come): a "light track" might naturally sort itself out w/o needing an actual separate process. Hypothesis: teams who're used to building in the DSVA style will pass the checkpoints more quickly/easily and w/less help needed, and thus de facto will on a quicker, lighter support track. The checkpoints will need some discrete criteria that incentivize the right things (human centered design etc) but also make it so that reviews aren't subjective.