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BVA use of IMH for Hearings vt #21407

Open ken-non opened 3 years ago

ken-non commented 3 years ago

As a Veteran with an appeals hearing I need a way to check in virtually so I can socially distance

As a BVA Hearing Officer I need a way to organize attendees so hearings can run smoothly


The IMH Tool ( #20664 ), which helps veterans socially distance when checking in for VA Health Center appointments, could also help the BVA track Veteran attendance for appeals hearings.


What used to be an in-person check in at a BVA facility has now become a confusing digital process. The IMH tool presents an automated way for Hearing Officers to ensure all parties are present and ready. That helps hearings happen on schedule and improves confidence in the BVA Appeals process.


Currently in discovery for basic technical feasibility.



Hearings are scheduled in caseflow, and then happen one of three ways:

These hearings require a judge, a veteran, and a Hearing Officer / Field Rep Coordinator to proceed. The Hearing Officer or Field Rep Coordinator is the main point of contact for Veterans.

When a veteran texts "Here" to the specified number, they're added to the IMH queue. The Hearing Officer can then set them up to connect to the judge.


Future State


22 Mar 2021 Refinement

Case number is 7 digit - everyone has a case number - this can authenticate the user against the phone number. This week authentication & answer for 7 digits. need meeting with rob, andy, shane etc. get scheduled with paras.

Monday 15 Mar 2021

No phone numbers as normal function - VBMS is how they get phone numbers currently. Do they want to be able to access the information from Caseflow? that would be more development

Technical Discovery Meeting 12 Mar 2021

Currently the team has had one meeting with administrative end users - Shane has rough diagrams. What's needed now is an assessment of what needs to be modified to allow the BVA to use IMH

From our understanding, BVA has one basic flow that could be addressed for all of the different types of interactions they want to cover with IMH - attendance at hearings, regardless of type.

Assumption: As far as organization as shown on the Patient Tracking page, we could have one instance (ala a single VAMC in IMH now) and the folders could have different locations assuming there is only one hearing type.

Within the portal, clinic = regional office. if we get the phone number and the location we add them to the regional office and they are plugged into the IMH process from there.

Basic process

Veteran would text "here" to predefined number, we need to look up the phone (we'd need an api), based on that we hit Caseflow to get the location and put them in a queue for IMH.

Caseflow API

Currently BVA only supports querying by file number/SSN. Veteran phone numbers are not stored in Caseflow. ( Via #appeals-product DSVA slack 12 Mar 2021)

That might be a hard stop.

Could we use VAprofile?

wasn't our percentage high for how many phone numbers we could get off of CDW?


Ultimately, do we have to do this integration right away or is it something we should consider blocked until we can use VAprofile to query phone numbers?


To move on, let's assume we can get the patient from standing up an instance of VEText just for VBA - what about administrator authentication? is that doable with SSO and the NT Username? is that doable for non-VistA folks?

how would you hit some kind of url variable?


Greenfield would be

Folded Tickets


Description Scheduling hearings with the Board of Veterans Appeals using IMH

Original Ticket:

"Summary: BVA leadership is interested in using IMH to allow Veterans to virtually check-in to their appeal hearings.

To Do List: @Robert-Durkin / @shane-elliott / @Paras-Shah3 to finalize updates for DEMO with DVC Santora. BVA would like some updates to the portal to make it more ""BVA friendly.""

Update 02/01:

Update 12/14:


"To Do List: @shane-elliott to f/u with Charles re: scheduling module for VBA.


  1. Does the VEText team want to develop a scheduling module for VBA sites? Transferred on 4 Mar 2021. Original Column: In Progress"

-BVA team will regroup with VBA team to determine if VBA is procuring a separate product or IMH can be leveraged.
-If they choose IMH, they would also like to discuss how funding fits into this development (i.e VIPR, etc.).
-Some BVA locations are within VBA facilities.

Transferred on 4 Mar 2021. Original Column: In Progress, Original Labels: bva, discovery"

shanemelliott commented 3 years ago


shanemelliott commented 3 years ago


ambikaroos commented 3 years ago


pcshah1026 commented 3 years ago

Below, you will find the data VEText receives via the Caseflow API:

{ "hearings": [ { "address": "15 New Sudbury Street JFK Federal Building", "appeal": "182fd411-c770-44c8-8491-0de36ac6f92c", "city": "Boston", "facility_id": "vba_301", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Veteran", "participant_id": "12345", "hearing_location": "Boston", "is_virtual": false, "room": "123", "scheduled_for": "2019-07-24T13:30:00.000-04:00", "ssn": "666456999", "state": "MA", "timezone": "America/New_York", "zip_code": "02203" }, { "address": "123 Main St.", "appeal": "d69d7c3f-fd68-45aa-9bb9-556622fd557b", "city": "Providence", "facility_id": "vba_999", "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Veteran", "participant_id": "23456", "hearing_location": "Providence", "is_virtual": false, "room": "456", "scheduled_for": "2019-07-24T13:30:00.000-04:00", "ssn": "666456000", "state": "RI", "timezone": "America/New_York", "zip_code": "12345" } ]