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[ANALYTICS] Create new Health Services "LIST and PLAYBOOK" for VA Central Ohio health care [BA] #22778

Closed SgardnerPMP closed 3 years ago

SgardnerPMP commented 3 years ago

High Level User Story

As a Veteran Web User, I need clear, concise, and instructional language on all VISN Medical System web sites, so I quickly get to where I want, the data I require, and the support I need.


_Data collection and mining required for System Health Services and Facility Health Services and staff profiles for caregivers

Objectives or Key Results this is meant to further

Resources - Tools - Documentation

Central Ohio healthcare system Legacy Site Playbook template VISN-10 Playbook locations

TASKS: Scrape, list, and convert all of the health services for the following sites on individual tabs in Playbook for System:

Definition of Done-Acceptance Criteria

bcastoe commented 3 years ago

22778 Create new Health Services "LIST and PLAYBOOK" for VA Central Ohio health care - Completed and moved to Validate.