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[Design] Prototype - Preferred facility in VAOS #23259

Closed laurenernest closed 3 years ago

laurenernest commented 3 years ago




outerpress commented 3 years ago

@peggygannon here's the prototype for VAOS preferred facilities:

I'd love to get your review of this ahead of testing. A couple of notes:

Samara-Strauss commented 3 years ago

Research plan

Moving feedback from Slack to here.

Can you please add the following people as observers for the research?

Also, under observers, you have Lauren listed but with Liz's email address, so I'm not sure what you intended to be there. Perhaps listing them both as observers?

Convo guide

peggygannon commented 3 years ago

Hi, @outerpress do you have a list of screens you need me to review in VAOS?

Not all screens need feedback - I'll note in here which ones specifically from VAOS, but you can skip all of the Profile-related screens as you already provided feedback on those

outerpress commented 3 years ago

@peggygannon sorry for the delay, I've been moving things around for the test and wanted it to be a little more solid before sending these along.

Opt out flow Tests a workflow where facilities are modified primarily in the Profile section - Veterans "opt-out" of facilities where they no longer receive care.

Facilities page with no preferences set (Note: we're not testing the new dropdown as part of this, but I can share the context of that if it's helpful)

Facilities page with preferences set + a recently visited facility

Opt-in flow Veterans can "save" facilities they want to revisit from VAOS, which updates the Profile

All facilities - if no prefs have been set

Save facility page If they choose a facility that hasn't been manually set in Profile

Same across both flows Facilities page with preferences set BUT preferred facility doesn't offer online scheduling for TOC

Facilities page that follows above if "I need a different facility" is selected - facilities that offer online scheduling for that TOC

Call to schedule page - if we can't show any facilities that offer online scheduling

outerpress commented 3 years ago

@Samara-Strauss thanks for the notes! You'll see the changes noted below updated in GH by tomorrow late morning (PT)

Can you please add the following people as observers for the research?


Also, under observers, you have Lauren listed but with Liz's email address, so I'm not sure what you intended to be there.

Thanks for the typo catch, fixed!

With regards to the profile, do they understand that unchecking a facility does not un-register them from that facility?

We get into that here and here - and after running through it today we do think the "what do you think this change did" question could use a follow-up.

If no, we should also ask participants how we can make it clearer that they aren't un-registering themselves by unchecking a facility.

We're aiming to get that answer through the above two questions along with the wrap at the end. I'm trying to avoid priming them with an idea of what registration is, so that they'll tell us in their own words what they know about it.

Question: From your past research, how much do you already know about how people understand the difference between being registered at vs. receiving care at a facility?

I'm not clear on whether there's a common understanding among Veterans on that difference. That's definitely a key area we're digging in to.

if we don't know a lot or want additional clarification since this is a new study with new participants, I think we should assess this much earlier than the follow-up questions at the end.

I'll look at pulling it forward in the test (as a potential follow up to "what do you think this change did) but want to hear if they use that language at all or what they think the process is broadly before drilling in on the registration question.

Samara-Strauss commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all of this, @outerpress! These clarifications are really helpful. Looking forward to getting to sit in on some sessions!

Samara-Strauss commented 3 years ago

Can we close this since testing has started?

andaleliz commented 3 years ago

Side note - are there any existing tickets I can tag along w/ for tracking the effort to run the sessions, and synthesis?

Nvm, creating tickets for myself since our teams are on a different sprint cadence.

outerpress commented 3 years ago

Thanks all, closing this one. I'll ping y'all on any new tickets we create for this work