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Content Feedback - Staging review - Vet Centers #24857

Open peggygannon opened 3 years ago

peggygannon commented 3 years ago

VFS acceptance criteria




peggygannon commented 3 years ago

Hi, @mmiddaugh Please see Platform content feedback below.

Most of the feedback I put under Should are examples of style guidance that the content editors should take into account when uploading their local content. Hope this is helpful.

Let me know if you have any questions or need me to clarify anything.

Question Can we also provide a TTY contact number for the Vet Center main location and its satellite locations?

Must feedback

  1. Please fix incorrect breadcrumb
  1. Please cap the first word in the bullet points under “What to bring” accordion

  2. Under "suicide prevention" accordion, can we also include the other ways that users can get in touch with VCL -Text -Confidential chat -TTY number

  3. Under Privacy accordion Please Fix misspelling of Judgement > judgment

Should feedback

  1. Use of “non-traditional”> I recommend we use another, more PL and user friendly term.. Could we use “off hours” or “outside of normal business hours” instead?

  2. Some style guidance to share with editors uploading the Vet Center content:

Under "Veteran connection" accordion

Under "Who is eligible to receive services at Vet Centers?"

Under "Do I have to be enrolled in VA health care?" accordion

Under "Privacy" accordion

The [Get directions] links should be more descriptive to better inform users with accessibility issues

Consider feedback

The content in the yellow alert is related to the content immediately above it.

Consider taking the content out of the yellow alert and combining this content. Here’s a recommendation to consider:

We’re also available after hours, based on the community’s need. Please call us at [phone number] to find out more. If you need to talk to someone after hours or on a weekend or holiday, the Vet Center call center is available 24/7 at [877-927-8387]hyperlink.