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Weekly Report #31014

Closed Paula-G-Mendoza closed 2 years ago

Paula-G-Mendoza commented 3 years ago

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Paula-G-Mendoza commented 3 years ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with ZenHub @JaredMostudio @LSiopis @nprimak

LSiopis commented 3 years ago

@JaredMostudio , @nprimak , @Paula-G-Mendoza - can you please provide any additional bullets to the draft weekly report?

Lauren, Meg, Liz, Mary, Sobia, Jeff, Joshua, David,

I hope you all had a great week and are ready for a nice long weekend ahead. We've had a productive week here concluding Sprint 1 and kicking off Sprint 2 aligned around a full set of goals to develop a research plan to validate the Apartment IA, continue building the team, start preparation for the Apartment Working Group session, and conduct introduction and knowledge transfer sessions with the Account team (10/18), Identity team (10/25), and Sitewide team (10/13).  Thank you to Liz who has been available for questions throughout this week and provided great insight on processes and learnings from the working group!

Work Completed:  Deep Dive into Research, Discovery, and Proof of Concept

Onboard Landing Team and Kickoff Project

Problem Definition, Approach, and Sprint Planning

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding

Upcoming Next Week:

LSiopis commented 3 years ago

@JaredMostudio , @nprimak , @Paula-G-Mendoza - can you please provide any additional bullets to the draft weekly report? Please put them in bold so I can tell what's added - thank you!

Thanks for the updates! Below is the final version: Lauren, Meg, Liz, Mary, Sobia, Jeff, Joshua, David,

We had a short week with the Monday holiday, but accomplished a lot with several team introductions, research planning, and sprint planning. Looking ahead, demo next week will be on Monday due to the OCTO offsite and Sprint 3 will start on Wednesday. Have a great weekend!

Work Completed:  Deep Dive into Research, Discovery, and Proof of Concept Updated technical discovery discussion guide in preparation for our meeting with Cory Trimm, the Director of Engineering at OCTO on 10/12. Conducted technical discovery and introductory meeting with Cory Trimm, learned about data and identity and sharing our approach to discovery on 10/12. Met with Mikki Northuis (Information Architect) and Danielle Thierry (Sitewide Content Lead), made introductions and discussed maintenance and minimization of content and design debt  10/13. Conducted and debriefed introductory meeting with Dave Conlon (Crew Chief, Public Website), showed the Apartment wireframes and learned more about how to engage the Public Website team on 10/13. Added issues to the backlog based on technical discovery sessions, including API research, CERNER and Community Care downloads, and Content, Auth, and Navigation downloads, on 10/14. Synthesized all notes from previous technical discovery sessions and updated our technical discovery mural with key learnings, risks, assumptions, and questions on 10/14. Documented the current state of our technical discovery findings into a summary on Github outlining our research questions, key findings, who we’ve talked to, recommendations, and further research needed on 10/15. Co-created and developed the research plan in GitHub on 10/13-10/15. Converted existing site map into excel format and uploaded it into Optimal Workshop, developed tasks, and built the Treejack test on 10/13-10/15.

Onboard Landing Team and Kickoff Project Synthesized research from working group sessions on 10/13.  Conducted Apartment Working Group co-creation session with Meg and Lauren to align on objectives on 10/14. Created Apartment Working Group agenda and materials for review on 10/15. Attended Mobile Flagship App Sync and Identity Working Group sessions on 10/14.

Problem Definition, Approach, and Sprint Planning Prepared the Team of Teams slide and conducted a review cycle prior to the Team of Teams meeting on 10/12. Attended the Team of Teams meeting and presented team updates to the ecosystem on 10/12. Rescheduled Sprint 2 Demo due to the OCTO offsite on 10/12. Conducted Backlog Grooming on 10/13. Conducted Sprint 3 Planning, aligning on high priority goals and epics, on 10/14.  Detailed the issues for Sprint 3 on 10/13-10/14.

Recruiting, Hiring, Onboarding, and Governance Attended Meeting to Discuss FAR 52.223-99 Ensuring Adequate COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors (OCT 2021) (DEVIATION) for CEDAR on 10/13. Signed and returned Contract Mod on 10/13. Conducted Contractual Reporting Session to discuss the program, address risks, and review the monthly project management plan on 10/13. Paula completed fingerprinting on 10/14. Revised and posted Product Manager Job Description on 10/12 Added 1 product manager candidate to the pipeline 10/13 Added 1 Visual Designer to the pipeline 10/13 Interviewed 1 lead for UX designer 10/14 Completed Drink, Jared, Nadya, and Paula's fingerprints, pending adjudication to begin security clearance process 10/12-10/15 Conducted working session to develop onboarding strategy and execution plan for onboarding new hires onto team on 10/15.

Upcoming Next Week: Conduct Sprint 2 Demo and Retro and submit materials for acceptance. Kickoff Sprint 3 aligned around our goals: Conduct the first Apartment Working Group and follow-up with actions Obtain approval for the IA Tree Test 1 Research Plan and Materials Finalize recruitment plan and begin recruiting for the IA Tree Test 1 Create an Apartment Product Outline Continue to build the team Continue knowledge transfer Understand the auth/unauth pathways Continue technical discovery, specifically API research and access to the MHV repo Attend Platform sessions and collaborate openly across other VFS teams as we get to know them. Prepare for and present at the weekly Team of Teams.  Conduct introductory meetings with Kevin Hoffman and Samara Strauss to learn about the Authenticated Experience

LSiopis commented 3 years ago

@JaredMostudio , @Paula-G-Mendoza , @nprimak - please add your bullets to the weekly update in this box note. Once complete, I'll move the content into a comment here, but it's a little easier for me to manage the changes in box.

LSiopis commented 3 years ago

Lauren, Meg, Liz, Mary, Sobia, Jeff, Joshua, David,

Happy Friday! Please see below for our work accomplished this week as we started Sprint 3. Looking ahead to next week, we have an introduction to the Identity team on Monday, the Mobile, Auth, and DHM cross-team sync on Tuesday, and our first Apartment Working Group meeting with cross functional teams and leaders on Wednesday. These sessions, combined with content downloads, and launching recruiting efforts for the IA tree test are leading right into progress towards the POC as we validate assumptions, capture learnings and dependencies, and get access to systems. 

Work Completed:  Apartment Working Group Preparation Co-created Apartment Working Group objectives and agenda with Meg and Lauren and documented synthesis in GitHub on 10/18-10/20.  Drafted email to Apartment Working Group participants and sent out the objectives and agenda on 10/20. Drafted and reviewed Apartment Working Group slides during MO Problem Solving sessions, getting feedback from MOVE leadership (reachback support across our CEDAR team) on 10/20. Revised Apartment Working Group slides and shared with Meg and Lauren on 10/21.  Began to reconcile feedback on 10/22.

Research and Discovery Conducted research recruitment sync with Meg to align on key segments for the IA tree test research on 10/18.  Created primary and secondary criteria for IA tree test recruitment and drafted emails and screening questions for Perigean on 10/18-20/20. Discussed using the MHV newsletter as a recruiting tool for the IA tree test if offered by OCC on 10/20. Submitted IA tree test research plan for review by Meg and Lauren on 10/21. Prepared for and conducted introductory meeting with Kevin Hoffman and Samara Strauss to learn about the Authenticated Experience, including VA profile, My VA dashboard, the vision of an authenticated experience as a platform rather than a product, the self-service notification system, and the opportunity to make templates for future teams on 10/18. Updated technical discovery tool (Mural) on 10/21. Began to develop materials for research synthesis on 10/22. Met with Ben to share learnings and get feedback on current technical discovery plan and developed a plan to limit the scope of the technical discovery sessions on 10/22. Conducted debrief session immediately following our session with Ben to capture key learnings, actions items, and key questions to ask in the upcoming technical discovery sessions on 10/22. Scheduled CERNER download session on 10/22.

Proof of Concept Met to discuss the proof of concept definition and MVP, kicking off a weekly check-in to make sure we're looking broadly at the end goals (the forest) in addition to the day to day work during the sprint (the trees) on 10/19. Continued to synthesize learnings and POC definition in Mural on 10/19-10/21. Followed up with Barry to request access to the MHV repo on 10/20.  

Cross-team Collaboration Attended the Platform and Apps Weekly Design + Content + Research Sync, learning about the accessibility and value of distinguishing buttons and links and the research conducted on the accelerated 10-10EZ application on 10/18. Prepared slide and presented updates during Team of Teams on 10/19. Attended Identity Working Group on 10/21.

Approach and Sprint Planning Conducted Sprint 2 Demo showing our work on the IA Tree Test Research Plan and design in Treejack, Working Group Preparation, and Technical Discovery on 10/18.  Conducted Sprint 2 Retro reflect on what went well and what to improve, identify action items, and add to the backlog on 10/18. Created, entered, and estimated issues for Sprint 3 in ZenHub on 10/18-10/19. Conducted Sprint 3 Kickoff to launch the sprint aligned on sprint goals (below), priorities, and deliverables, clarify responsibilities, and raise and mitigate risks on 10/20. High Priority: Conduct the first Apartment Working Group and follow-up with actions. Obtain approval for the IA Tree Test 1 Research Plan and Materials. Begin recruiting for the IA Tree Test 1. Create an Apartment Product Outline. Continue to build the team. Medium Priority: Continue knowledge transfer. Understand the auth/unauth pathways. Continue technical discovery, specifically API research and access to the MHV repo. Added a medium priority goal during sprint kickoff to investigate Codepen for testing the Health Apartment IA with participants who use screen readers.

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Aligned on hiring priorities with a focus on Product Manager, Design Lead, and UX Design Lead Conducted staffing strategy sessions to discuss needed roles, anticipated gaps, and required skills on 10/19 and 10/21. Revised and posted UX Design Lead Job Description on 10/22. Received 1 more applicant for UX Design Lead opening on 10/19. Conducted follow up interview with one Design Lead applicant on 10/22; total of 4 active applicants. Continued PIV onboarding; next week we will submit security forms to VA SharePoint that will trigger EQIP, and make relevant modification to access. 

Governance Submitted Sprint 2 demo slides and links to work within the monthly report to minimize the creation of extra materials and received acceptance from Meg on 10/19. Received approval for Sprint 3 on 10/19. Invoiced Sprint 2 on 10/19.

Upcoming Next Week: Conduct first Apartment Working Group and follow-up with a survey to continuously improve our approach and engage participants.  Join our first cross-team sync with the Mobile and Auth teams. Conduct sprint planning and backlog grooming to prepare for Sprint 4.  Attend Platform sessions and collaborate openly across other VFS teams as we get to know them. Prepare for and present at the weekly Team of Teams.  Conduct introductory meetings with John Rahaghi and Cody Reinold to learn about the Identity team.  I (Lara) will be offboarding and transitioning responsibilities - thank you for the opportunity to be part of this landing team and further the effort towards a unified Veteran health experience!