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Midpoint Review [Search & Discovery, Typeahead 2.0] #31219

Open LindaLi123 opened 2 years ago

LindaLi123 commented 2 years ago

Steps to complete Midpoint Review

Before meeting

VFS Product Manager


After meeting

VFS Product Manager


Has your team met with the Sitewide Content team for content support?

*If yes, please include any relevant content artifacts.


Provide links or documents for the following:

shiragoodman commented 2 years ago

hi @LindaLi123 could you please complete the VFS Meeting Attendees and Scheduling sections above?

LindaLi123 commented 2 years ago

@shiragoodman Hello Shira, i completed the two sections, pls let me know if you need anything else.

shiragoodman commented 2 years ago

Asynch Midpoint Review is scheduled for Tuesday 10/12. Feedback will be submitted by EOD.

allison0034 commented 2 years ago

@LindaLi123 can you add the product outline please?

LindaLi123 commented 2 years ago

Hello @allison0034 I included the product outline, we are using the same product outline as typeahead 1.0 I included the 2.0 initiative so you can see the difference.

peggygannon commented 2 years ago

@LindaLi123 Hello, I have no Platform content feedback for this initiative. thx!

jimuhh commented 2 years ago

@LindaLi123 Hi. I don't have any IA feedback here. Just a general kudos for following Nielsen/Norman best practices in the UI revision.

allison0034 commented 2 years ago

Hi @LindaLi123 no design feedback... thank you!

joshkimux commented 2 years ago

@LindaLi123 No a11y feedback at the moment, @mgleo has been working closely with us!

LindaLi123 commented 2 years ago

Hello @shiragoodman looks like everything is completed here, can I close this ticket?

shiragoodman commented 2 years ago

@LindaLi123 yup! FYI our team will never close out any Collab Cycle tickets that VFS teams open. You are free to close it after the review is completed.