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[CAIA Content Support]: Content Style Guide: Make it easier for people who use the guide to quickly find latest updates #31245

Open DanielleThierryUSDSVA opened 2 years ago

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 2 years ago

User story

As someone who uses the content style guide, I need a way to quickly understand what guidance is new since the last time I visited the resource.

Issue identified

The "last updated" date on the front page of the style guide shows the date that that page was last update. That's not very often. So, the last updated date currently shows as 2019. However, there have been updates to deeper pages within the style guide since then. A VA stakeholder noted that this makes it difficult to figure out what new guidance they should be following.

We can address this in a few ways:

sara-amanda commented 10 months ago

@laurwill adding to GHP