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Upgrade react-router from v3 to v5.1.2 #34572

Open alexandec opened 2 years ago

alexandec commented 2 years ago

Upgrade documentation and tips

For help upgrading routes and links in an app, see this documentation further down in the ticket.


The official React router documentation recommends upgrading to v5.1 first, then moving to v6 as an additional step. This is the approach we're planning to take. In this ticket we'll only cover the upgrade from v3 (our current version) to v5.1.2.

See Upgrade react in vets-website to v17 for additional information and context.

Upgrading from react-router v3 to v5.1.2

Upgrading from react-router v5.1.2 to v6.2.1 (future steps)

alexandec commented 2 years ago

Changes required:

alexandec commented 2 years ago

Route definition changes

Previously routes were defined using objects like this:

    path: '/first',
    component: FirstComponent
    path: '/second',
    component: SecondComponent

WIth the router upgrade, routes must instead be defined using router components, like this:

  <Route path="/first">
    <FirstComponent />
  <Route path="/second">
    <SecondComponent />
alexandec commented 2 years ago

For an example of the correct route definition method in the upgraded react-router, see the vaos app, which already uses the new method. vaos/routes.jsx defines 4 top-level routes, each with an associated component. Here's a shortened version showing one route:

      component={asyncLoader(() =>
        import(/* webpackChunkName: "unenrolled-vaccine" */ './unenrolled-vaccine')
          .then(({ UnenrolledVaccineSection, reducer }) => {
            store.injectReducer('unenrolledVaccine', reducer);
            return UnenrolledVaccineSection;

Moving down into the UnenrolledVaccineSection component, we can see child routes defined there:

    <Route path="/" component={PlanAheadPage} />

We'll have to adopt this approach in order to upgrade react-router. On the positive side, we can refactor route definitions first, prior to upgrading react-router. We don't have to refactor everything at once.

alexandec commented 2 years ago


Currently we perform redirects like this:

indexRoute: { onEnter: (nextState, replace) => replace('/introduction') },

This is a commonly-used redirect for form rendering. These redirects need to be modified to use Redirect instead, like:

<Route render={() => (<Redirect to="/introduction" />)} />

This change needs to be made in 29 locations.

alexandec commented 2 years ago

Here is a POC to transform the existing route objects returned by createRoutesWithSaveInProgress() into components suitable for use with the new react-router version. The file is src/applications/pre-need/routes.jsx:

import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import { createRoutesWithSaveInProgress } from 'platform/forms/save-in-progress/helpers';

import formConfig from './config/form';

const routeObjects = createRoutesWithSaveInProgress(formConfig);
const routes =, i) => (
    component={props => (
      <routeObject.component {...props} route={routeObject} />

const route = <Switch>{routes}</Switch>;

export default route;

With this approach I was able to work my way through each route in the burials-and-memorials/pre-need/form-10007-apply-for-eligibility form and reach the end (form submission). This shows that the approach works with our existing react-router version (3) so we can use it to prepare apps ahead of time, before upgrading.

However this solution isn't complete because we're putting all the child routes at the top level. The wrapper components are not used so the form layout isn't correct. I'll work on adding in those wrapper components next.

alexandec commented 2 years ago

Deprecated router usage

Route definitions

Apps marked as OLD-FORM use deprecated route definitions (JS objects) generated by the forms library. These apps cannot be updated to use the new react-router until the Design System team modifies the forms library route generation logic. This Design System support request covers the required updates.

Apps marked as OLD manually define their routes as JS objects. App owners can freely update these routes to use the new component approach.

Apps marked as NEW already define their routes using the new component approach. They do not require route definition changes.

Apps typically require further changes beyond route definitions, to address breaking changes in react-router. These are noted in the "Additional deprecations" column.


App Route definitions Additional deprecations
appeals/10182 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, withRouter, old import
ask-a-question OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
auth OLD location.query
beta-enrollment OLD childRoutes
burials OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
caregivers OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
check-in/day-of NEW location.query, withRouter
check-in/pre-check-in NEW location.query
claims-status NEW IndexRedirect, IndexLink, nested child routes, withRouter, old import
coronavirus-research/sign-up OLD-FORM indexRoute (customized), childRoutes
coronavirus-research/update OLD-FORM indexRoute (customized), childRoutes
coronavirus-screener NEW Old import
coronavirus-vaccination-expansion OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, withRouter
coronavirus-vaccination NEW indexRoute, nested child routes, location.query, withRouter, old import
debt-letters NEW -
disability-benefits/2346 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
disability-benefits/686c-674 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
disability-benefits/996 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, old import
disability-benefits/all-claims OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, old import
disability-benefits/view-payments NEW Old import
discharge-wizard OLD indexRoute, childRoutes, old import
e-folders OLD -
edu-benefits/0993 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, withRouter
edu-benefits/0994 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/10203 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/1990 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/1990e OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/1990n OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/1990s OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/1995 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/5490 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/5495 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
edu-benefits/feedback-tool OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
facility-locator OLD indexRoute, childRoutes, browserHistory, location.query, old import
financial-status-report OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
gi-sandbox NEW -
gi NEW -
hca OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
health-care-questionnaire/list/questionnaire-list NEW -
health-care-questionnaire/list NEW -
health-care-questionnaire/questionnaire OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, withRouter
letters NEW IndexRedirect, nested child routes, old import
lgy/coe/form OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, old import
lgy/coe/status NEW Old import
login OLD indexRoute, childRoutes
medical-copays NEW nested redirect
messages NEW Old import
mock-sip-form OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
my-education-benefits OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
pensions OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
personalization/dashboard - Old import
personalization/profile NEW Old import
personalization/rated-disabilities OLD -
personalization/search-representative OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
personalization/view-dependents OLD -
personalization/view-representative NEW Old import
platform/user/authorization - location.query, browserHistory, withRouter
platform/startup - browserHistory, old import
post-911-gib-status NEW IndexRoute, nested child routes, old import
pre-need OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
sah/sahg OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
search OLD location.query, withRouter
terms-and-conditions OLD location.query
vaos NEW -
veteran-representative OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
virtual-agent NEW Old import
vre/28-1900 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes, old import
vre/28-8832 OLD-FORM indexRoute, childRoutes
alexandec commented 2 years ago

Upgrade tips

Update the Link component

You will need to change

import { Link } from 'react-router'


import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'

After doing so, you may notice unit test failures due to a missing context. The fix is to wrap the component under test in a router component, as described in the react-router testing guide.

Switch to the new startApp() function

The standard pattern for VSP apps is to call the startApp() function to bootstrap the app. However, when you switch to the new react-router v5 route definitions and components, the existing startApp() function is no longer compatible. Instead use the new startApp() function in src/platform/startup/router.js. This should be a drop-in replacement.

Replace withRouter with hooks

In react-router v3 it was common to use the withRouter HOC to access router information or perform navigation. In v5, withRouter is replaced by simple hooks like these:

import { useParams, useLocation, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';

const params = useParams();
const location = useLocation();
const history = useHistory();


The react-router documentation lists supported hooks with example usage.

Avoid using the render or component props

Instead of placing your component inside the <Route render=...> or <Route component=...> props, just make your component a child of the Route component, like:

<Route path="/mypath">
  <MyComponent />

This method is cleaner because you will explicitly pass any props your component needs.

timwright12 commented 2 years ago

I don't remember by I closed this, but I reopened it based on today's Q3 planning conversation

taylorkaren commented 2 years ago

The Forms Library Team is no longer working on a React Router V3 --> V5 upgrade. Given that V3 and V5 apps currently co-exist on Vets Website, and that any form apps on Router V3 will need a rewrite to migrate to the new VA Forms System Core (VAFSC) anyway, providing a migration path from React Router V3 to V5 is a step that doesn't provide a good return on time invested for the Forms Library Team.

For details on this decision, please see these Confluence pages:

The Forms Library Team will instead be working on a React Router V5 --> V6 upgrade, see this ticket for details.

Other tickets that reference React Router V3 -V5 upgrades:

laineymajor commented 1 year ago

@k80bowman @caw310 --- can we please chat about this soon. It is a blocker for us right now.

caw310 commented 1 year ago

@laineymajor , let's chat on Monday. Katy is out sick this week.

laineymajor commented 1 year ago

@timwright12 can you specify what this is blocking within the ticket. Want to make sure we're tracking. Thanks!