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[Content organization] Content organization and/or categorization isn't clear or actionable. (02.06.1) #34879

Open shiragoodman opened 2 years ago

shiragoodman commented 2 years ago

General Information

VFS team name

Claims & Appeals

VFS product name


Point of Contact/Reviewers

Jim Ryan (@jimuhh) - IA

Platform Issue

Content organization and/or categorization isn't clear or actionable.

Issue Details

The headers and text aren't direct and task-focused

Link, screenshot or steps to recreate Experience Standard

Category Number 02, Issue Number 06

Other References


Platform Recommendation

Reach out to content team and consult style guidelines:

VFS Team Tasks to Complete

Mottie commented 2 years ago

Hi @jimuhh! Would you please elaborate. Which pages have this issue? Also, we had @mnorthuis and @bethpotts review the content of the form, maybe some collaboration would set us on the right path?

jimuhh commented 2 years ago

Hi @Mottie! Sorry for the confusion. It's really a minor tweak in an otherwise fine site. The text under "Is this the form I need?" is just a bit off the VA tone and voice guidelines in that it focuses more on describing an internal VA process from a VA point of view and less on the user's problem. Also, it finishes up with the kind of mildly forbidding language we're told to avoid. I thought maybe something like this might work better.

Use this form if the VA rejected your claim and you would like one their senior reviewers to reevaluate the evidence you submitted. Note: the reviewers can only look at evidence you provided for your original claim. No new evidence can be provided at this stage.

@bethpotts Please advise.

bethpottsVADEPO commented 2 years ago

@jimuhh or @Mottie could you post the current language here for me? Thanks!

Mottie commented 2 years ago

Hi @bethpottsVADEPO!

It's the first page of the wizard:



Is this the form I need? \

Use this form if you disagree with VA’s decision on your claim and want to request that a senior reviewer take a new look at your case and the evidence you provided. You can’t submit any new evidence with a Higher-Level Review.


Answer a question to get started.

\ For what type of claim are you requesting a Higher-Level Review?

\ Disability compensation claim \ A claim other than disability compensation

bethpottsVADEPO commented 2 years ago

@Mottie Can you revise the first sentence ("Use this form...") like this:

Is this the form I need?

Use this form if you disagree with our decision on your claim and want a senior reviewer to review your case again. You can’t submit any new evidence with a Higher-Level Review.

Thank you!

Mottie commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

jimuhh commented 2 years ago

Thanks for stepping in, @bethpottsVADEPO. Don't know how I missed this notification in my inbox.