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[EPIC] Outreach & Events Hub - Free text search functionality #35324

Open brianalloyd opened 2 years ago

brianalloyd commented 2 years ago

Product Outline

Link to product outline

High Level User Story/ies

As a VA digital comms lead and user of the CMS, I need new capabilities and features as a publisher in the Outreach & Events hub, so I can provide information more effectively to my Veteran and caretaker audience.

Hypothesis or Bet

If we make improvement and enhancements to improve the authoring experience and to enhance the feature set, the result will be (a) more efficient publishing times, resulting in higher customer satisfaction scores (b) and higher consumption of the content, as measured by page views.


These changes will improve user experience and findability for events offered by the VA in support of Veterans.

Requested Changes & Enhancements

UX Feature & CMS Authoring Enhancements:

Next steps

Definition of done

How to configure this issue

jilladams commented 2 years ago

Per 6/10 Events backlog scrub with Dave Conlon:

Free text events search is still an open ask, though not prioritized. Search experience is likely to tie back to location-based search