Facility operating alerts are currently in production with a range of implementations on various pages documented in the table below. After an audit to find where and how these implementations differed and a design intent to get approval on design iteration, we are ready to implement Nick's design recommendations to provide a consistent experience within and across products.
[ ] Maintain existing expandable alert style found in UX Pin, which includes
[ ] When facility operating status = "Limited services and hours", use yellow full-background-with-icon expandable alert with 5px border radius
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Regardless of status, facility operating status should be announced to screen readers
[ ] When facility operating status = "Limited services and hours", the alert uses the yellow full-background-with-icon expandable alert with 5px border radius
[ ] Ensure alerts are announced to screen readers (we believe this is already happening)
Issue Description
Facility operating alerts are currently in production with a range of implementations on various pages documented in the table below. After an audit to find where and how these implementations differed and a design intent to get approval on design iteration, we are ready to implement Nick's design recommendations to provide a consistent experience within and across products.
Example pages
Design system references
For Vet Center Main and Location pages
Acceptance Criteria