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Public Websites: Sprint 66 Priorities #35817

Closed brianalloyd closed 2 years ago

brianalloyd commented 2 years ago

Sprint 66 Priorities: Jan 26 - Feb 8 , 2022

Outreach & Events | Cerner Support | HRT Research / FE Build | Tech-debt & In-take Requests | Redirect Requests vetted by IA.

  1. Outreach & Events --> FE Build actions, VSP Staging Review, LAUNCH!
  2. Cerner Support --> Preparing for launch, working feature flag. Coordinating with Facilities/CMS.
  3. HRT --> Finalize Research Plan and Conversation guide, FE Build Staging Copy, Readiness for Stakeholder review.
  4. Intake | Redirect requests --> Priority tickets from our intake process along with key redirect requests. Mission to clear out tech-debt and mitigate risk

Capacity Planning: PTO/Holiday's

Brian: 0 Sam: 0 Trent: 0 Cassandra: 0 Mimi: 0 Cindy: 0 Dave: 0

Cerner Facility Launch Readiness

EPIC: Public Websites support to Cerner Roll-Out department-of-veterans-affairs/

Outreach & Events [Finalize Design/Research/FE Build]

EPIC: Outreach & Events Hub - 2021 Enhancements department-of-veterans-affairs/ / PW Outreach & Events Enhancements MVP x Collab Cycle Plan department-of-veterans-affairs/

Discussion Points: Next steps --> Launch Readiness

Outreach and Events Search MVP

Mobile Header V2 Optimization

Homepage Top Tasks Research


Discussion Points: Create a split, start a draft that identifies the gaps. Circulate internally (Dave & Danielle) for review. Setup a meeting for Jan 3rd to review research goals. Sprint 64 --> Finalize research plan, tentative plan would be recruit during S65, Research conducted in S66 as a baseline for research.

Intake Request - Techical Debt

Priority Tickets - Complete This Sprint

Tickets - Available for Pickup (This Sprint, pending available velocity)

Discussion Topics/Grooming

Collab Cycle Tracking Template ### # Collab Cycle Tasks After copying this template into your new Sprint Priority issue, keep the Collab Cycle tasks needed for this sprint and delete the rest. - [VSP Collaboration Cycle Image]( - [VSP Collaboration Cycle Requirements/Info]( - [Change Release Checklist]( ## Define - [ ] **[Define] Kickoff-Intent** - #(ticket) - [ ] **[Define] Design intent** - #(ticket) ## Discover - [ ] **[Discover] Usability Testing Prep** - #(ticket) - [ ] **[Discover] Research Plan Review** - #(ticket) - [ ] **[Discover] IA Request** - #(ticket) ### [Submit Analytics request]( - [ ] [Analytics request]( has been submitted and finalized ## Build ### [Privacy and security review]( - [ ] Submit ticket for review: Use Privacy and Security Review template in repository - [ ] Provide artifacts at least 48 hours prior to the review - [ ] Schedule/hold Privacy and Security Review - [ ] Complete any tickets that came out of Privacy/Security review (if any) ### [Submit Analytics **QA** request]( - [ ] [Analytics request]( has been submitted and finalized ## Pre-Release ### Release Plan - [ ] Create UAT plan - [UAT Template](* - [UAT Plan Example]( - [ ] Complete Release Plan - [Release Plan Example]( ### Staging Review PREP (2 weeks prior to Staging Review) #### QA - QA Staging review scheduling: Have artifacts in and tag Tze 2 weeks in advance from the Staging Review. This makes it possible for Tze to get to it w/o being rushed. When you schedule the Staging review, also tag Tze in Slack. - [ ] Create list of staging users - [ ] Create list of use cases [see [Use Cases template](] and submit to Tze so he can create test cases/regression tests - [ ] Create “Coverage for references report” OR a add a link to the Epic for the product you are releasing #### Accessibility - [ ] Complete the [required accessibility checklist]( - [ ] Complete QA/Accessibility tickets that came out of Staging review prep (if any) ### Conduct Internal QA Session It is beneficial to conduct an internal QA session prior to actual QA. This consists of the team allocating 1 hour to meet look for bugs and or issues with the product. This is beneficial because the engineers and designers have in-depth knowledge of potential problem areas that QA might not have the time/resources to look into. - [ ] Internal QA has been conducted #### List of issues coming out of internal QA session: - [ ] Issue name #00000 - [ ] All issues that came from internal QA have been completed ### [Request Staging Review]( - [ ] Provide all required artifacts in the request - [ ] Schedule/hold staging review - [ ] Complete all IA feedback tickets - [ ] Complete all Accessibility feedback tickets - [ ] Complete all QA feedback tickets - [ ] Complete all Content feedback tickets - [ ] Complete all Design feedback tickets ### [Contact Center review]( - [ ] Create Product guide - [Product Guide example]() - [ ] Create Product video - [ ] Submit request for Contact Center Review - [ ] Complete Contact Center Review ### Analytics follow up on Staging - [ ] Analytics are complete - [ ] Frontend has implemented analytics data layer changes - [ ] Dashboards have been created and link directly to your OKR/KPI's - [ ] Review dashboard(s) with Analytics team to ensure understanding of all metrics/calculations - [ ] Dashboards are finalized/work correctly ### Preparing/Updating all necessary supporting documentation for your product - [ ] API calls and dependent systems [Example]( - [ ] Update product outline with updated release information and links to analytics dashboards [Product Outline Example]( ### Coordinate with relevant parties regarding any changes that affect other teams/stakeholders #### Ex:(re-directs, changes to content, changes that affect other teams) - [ ] Create issues in Github for changes that will take place, add dates, and tag relevant people/teams (re-directs, content changes, UI changes, etc) - [ ] Update dates/parties accordingly as launch approaches and dates are finalized ## Release ### UAT - [ ] Conduct UAT Go/No-Go meeting - [Example]( - [ ] UAT has been conducted - [ ] Issues have been logged/added to the Release Plan. [Example]( - [ ] Launch-Critical UAT issues have been resolved ### Phased Launch (depends on phases in your launch)* - [ ] Conduct Launch Go/No-Go meeting - [Template]( - Invite your entire team, analytics, platform team members, etc - [ ] Resolve any issues (if applicable) - [ ] Continue with phased launch, resolving issues if they arise, monitoring analytics daily #### Go-live to 100% of traffic - [ ] Conduct Go-live go/no go meeting - [Example]( - [ ] Resolve issues (if applicable) - [ ] Launch to 100% of users ## Monitoring - [ ] Monitor analytics daily to ensure there are no abnormalities/errors - [ ] Resolve any issues (if applicable) ## Post Launch - [ ] Fill in post-launch metrics in the Release Plan - [ ] Remove old code (if applicable) ### [Full Accessibility and 508 Office Review]( - [ ] Request [Full 508/Accessibility Review]( - [ ] Complete required scans/tests - [ ] Make required changes (if any) ### [Post Launch Check-in]( - [ ] Update Release Plan with "post-launch questions" completed - [ ] Schedule/Hold check-in - [ ] Measure results against OKRs - [ ] Prepare next steps and potential iterations if applicable # Feedback from other teams **Platform feedback:** - The biggest blocker to a successful launch would be not implementing platform feedback earlier in the process. - It would be ideal to implement the feedback prior to the staging review. - More frequent communication of changes/issues via the slack channel would be beneficial. **Accessibility feedback:** - Include accessibility in design syncs, design-intent review, and anytime large changes are made. - More frequent communication with Accessibility (ex: Biweekly accessibility meetings) - For individual meeting/mini reviews use this [GH template](Enter link to template) - Have an "Engineering intent review" and include accessibility (in addition to design intent review). **PM Feedback:** - Update Collaboration Tracker - Add time estimates maybe - how to roll this out - put in epic format?
Kanban Board Template ### # Kanban Board _Please select a ticket and include [WIP - [NAME]] next to the ticket that is being worked._ Pick up tickets by priority on the `To Do ` section to begin and move ticket through kanban workflow until `Done`. Please include resolution steps on tickets along with instructions if for some reason you are unable to complete the ticket during this sprint. Please tag on tickets when moved to **Done** section for validation and closeout. Please connect if you have any questions or concerns in the interim. Welcome to **VFS team** (for this sprint) we're excited to have the help.
ON-GOING - [ ] [FE] #174XX (WIP - Name)
DONE - [x] [FE] #174XX (Validate - Name)
cindymerrill commented 2 years ago

@brianalloyd For Veteran tasks research, I could probably use tickets for creating a research plan (my usual research ticket), putting together a card sort (new ticket if I'm going with this methodology, which I'll know more about after putting together a research plan and getting feedback from others), launching recruiting (prep tasks ticket), data synthesis and reporting (usual ticket), and post-research task (usual ticket).

cindymerrill commented 2 years ago

I might include an interview component, too, to get more detailed feedback from a smaller number of Veterans

brianalloyd commented 2 years ago

@cindymerrill sounds good, I'll slot research plan for this sprint, and once completed we can work timing for the remaining tickets mentioned above. Thanks for the follow up here.

brianalloyd commented 2 years ago
