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VAOS edge case dashboard - Design QA #38248

Open michelle-dooley opened 2 years ago

michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

Issue Description

As we roll out an VAOS edge case dashboard, we need to make sure that the dashboard is easy to use and understand.



Use the Participant Tester account in Domo to QA for the following:

Acceptance Criteria

michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

Usability checklist

Complete using Participant Tester account – please copy and paste into your own comments below to track QA progress. See example table below or refer to past QA tickets linked above.


Test Expected Behavior Actual Behavior Pass/Fail
Ex: Date filter Every chart gets filtered for date and group by settings are changed "Total logged in users" does not respond to filter changes Fail ❌
Ex: Date filter Every chart gets filtered for date and group by settings are changed Every chart gets filtered for date and group by settings are changed Pass ✅


Test Expected Behavior Actual Behavior Pass/Fail
Dashboard title Text fully readable, without errors
Date filter Every chart gets filtered for date and group by settings are changed
Section titles Every section title & subtitle are spelled correctly
Chart titles Every chart title is fully readable, without errors, relevant to chart
Chart descriptions All chart descriptions are disabled, so nothing appears when hovering over title
Hover text All hover text "makes sense" and is spelled correctly
Annotations Every annotation "makes sense," is free of errors, and visible within text box
Text box formatting Every annotation and section title box shows all text, does not generate scroll bar
Card interactions – filters Clicking data point does not filter other cards
Card interactions – card detail Clicking chart title opens card in new tab
Display settings – multi-value gauges Date grouping ("by month") appears under each title
Display settings – summary numbers All tables, bar charts, and filled gauges show date range
Related cards In card detail view, all related card previews have been deleted
Appendix No charts or notecards appear in appendix below dashboard
michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

@jonathan-epstein13 and @pavanhothi for design QA for VAOS when ready. cc: @chloedotbrown

jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago

Design QA

VAOS Dashboard Test Expected Behavior Actual Behavior Pass/Fail
Dashboard title Text fully readable, without errors Text fully readable, without errors Pass ✅
Date filter Every chart gets filtered for date and group by settings are changed Every chart gets filtered for date and group by settings are changed Pass ✅
Dashboard filter Every card gets filtered by the dashboard level filter(s) Landing page section isn't affected by the 'form name' dashboard level filter Fail ❌
Section titles Every section title & subtitle are spelled correctly Every section title & subtitle are spelled correctly Pass ✅
Chart titles Every chart title is fully readable, without errors, relevant to chart Every chart title is fully readable, without errors, relevant to chart Pass ✅
Chart descriptions All chart descriptions are disabled, so nothing appears when hovering over title (except title, but no different text) All chart descriptions are disabled, so nothing appears when hovering over title (except title, but no different text) Pass ✅
Hover text All hover text "makes sense" and is spelled correctly All hover text "makes sense" and is spelled correctly Pass ✅
Annotations Every annotation "makes sense," is free of errors, and visible within text box Avg. minutes on page - positive/negative color is the blue shade (5492FF), Completion rate of step & Exit rate by step - steps aren't all aggregated. ie "multiple" 'Submission step' Fail ❌
Text box formatting Every annotation and section title box shows all text, does not generate scroll bar Every annotation and section title box shows all text, does not generate scroll bar Pass ✅
Card interactions – filters Clicking data point does not filter other cards Clicking data point does not filter other cards Pass ✅
Card interactions – card detail Clicking chart title opens card in new tab Clicking chart title opens card in new tab Pass ✅
Display settings – multi-value gauges Date grouping ("by month") appears under each title Date grouping ("by month") appears under each title Pass ✅
Display settings – summary numbers All tables, bar charts, and filled gauges show date range All tables, bar charts, and filled gauges show date range Pass ✅
Related cards In card detail view, all related card previews have been deleted Conversion rate by user' has a linked card. Fail ❌
Appendix No charts or notecards appear in appendix below dashboard No charts or notecards appear in appendix below dashboard Pass ✅

@pavanhothi if you would like to be a second pair of eyes on the Design QA as well, that would be great! I'd appreciate it.

chloedotbrown commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the QA, @jonathan-epstein13 ! Reproducing a failure-only version of QA table below with notes beneath:

Test Expected Behavior Actual Behavior Pass/Fail
Dashboard filter Every card gets filtered by the dashboard level filter(s) Landing page section isn't affected by the 'form name' dashboard level filter Fail ❌
Annotations Every annotation "makes sense," is free of errors, and visible within text box Avg. minutes on page - positive/negative color is the blue shade (5492FF), Completion rate of step & Exit rate by step - steps aren't all aggregated. ie "multiple" 'Submission step' Fail ❌
Related cards In card detail view, all related card previews have been deleted Conversion rate by user' has a linked card. Fail ❌
jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago

When filtering through form_name, only Vaccine shows duplicates of Start Vaccine Flow image When not filtering for form_name, as you can see below, the step_name shows duplicates for some, that's where I thought there would be aggregation. Let me know what you think. I appreciate the clarity on the Design QA! @chloedotbrown image

chloedotbrown commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for the screenshots, @jonathan-epstein13 ! Really helpful to see what you're looking at. If there's anything else you see beyond the two above, please send them along too!

Vaccine steps

Looks like the error is in the underlying forms_vaos table in BigQuery. This path should start with the 2nd "Start Vaccine Flow" step - I'll ping @obrienjulie in Slack so she can fix.

Non-filtered steps

Similar to our standardized dashboards, folks aren't supposed to ever look at the VAOS dash not filtered by one of the products - so this shouldn't be something they every see. But we can still unpack why you're seeing what you're seeing! Although it's not a column visible on the table, this card is sorted by the step_number field. And while many of these flows have similarly named steps, they often fall at different orders in the flow. Because these step_numbers are different, they're showing up as different rows on the unfiltered table.

Here's a screenshot of a version of the card where step_number is shown as a column, to make it easier to see. If you have any other questions, let me know!

step number

chloedotbrown commented 2 years ago

Hi @jonathan-epstein13! The three user survey cards on the VAOS dashboard are ready for your design QA:

All cards in this section do not filter by product, just like the landing page section above (I've added small notes on their headings). Each has a drillpath chart configured - I've included % of total in the tooltip for each of these, though it specifies "% of total filtered", since users will need to remove the filter automatically applied by the drillpath in order for it to show anything other than 100%. There's documentation on this in our our existing guides, but we should still plan on calling it when we deliver this to the team.

Anyway! Let me know if you have any questions or find anything out of the ordinary. Also, reminder to check off column on tracking spreadsheet so we know what we've covered already.

jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago

Thank you @chloedotbrown! I appreciate the clarity of the drill paths and will look at the 'how to' guide for the documentation part, if needed. I'll post my QA results here to the card. Will check off all cards on the spreadsheet as well.

jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago

User satisfaction section QA

Test Cards Expected Behavior Actual Behavior Pass/Fail
Avg. experience rating All behavior from the full QA matches to the card All behavior from the full QA matches to the card Pass ✅
Distribution of experience ratings All behavior from the full QA matches to the card All behavior from the full QA matches to the card Pass ✅
Able to complete task All behavior from the full QA matches to the card All behavior from the full QA matches to the card Pass ✅

@chloedotbrown I did look through all the drill paths, and was trying to understand the part % of total in the tooltip for each of these . Was this the part (for example) in the Distribution of experience ratings card -->in hover text(%_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL of ratings). Just wanted to make sure I understood completely. All the cards look good!

chloedotbrown commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much for the speedy QA @jonathan-epstein13! Glad these were an easy pass.

And apologies if the note about the hover text caused more confusion than it solved! This was only meant to apply for the drillpath charts for "Distribution of experience ratings" and "Able to complete task" cards. For both, when you access the drillpath by clicking either response type, it filters for only that response – meaning the default for the %_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY of total filtered in the tooltip initially reads as 100%. If folks remove the filter to see the distribution of answers over time, this updates to show the percent of the category within that month, which should be more useful! (screenshots below)

I believe we demo removing filters in our How-To guide and videos, and I'm also hoping that the "of total filtered" language will help clarify. But maybe we also note it when we pass this back to the VAOS team and walk them through it.

Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 2 17 24 PM Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 2 18 01 PM