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SRE and API Status Page #38417

Closed zachclarity closed 1 year ago

zachclarity commented 2 years ago

Product Outline

To enhance the customer experience and awareness of the current status of the system and other components. The Lighthouse team uses and we plan to include this as an enhancement to the to provide more info.

High Level User Story/ies

As a user of I need to know the status of various services. to help me know when things are not working and what is being done about it.

Hypothesis or Bet

If we make this change then users will not have to open support requests for things they know are down , becuase we can provide the relevant info and status info to answer their questions about various services.


Customer Support and reliability services

Definition of done

What must be true in order for you to consider this epic complete?

The user will be able to goto and get information on the status of services, builds and past incidents.

powellkerry commented 2 years ago
rsmithadhoc commented 2 years ago

Compiling a list of questions and links here that I will update as I have more. I'm not expecting anyone to jump in and answer, these are things we can discuss as a team.

little-oddball commented 1 year ago

Ideally want to close this as DUP but associated it w/ another EPIC #38743 as it has some good supporting / additional information to support.