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Console Services: Provide Deployment Status of applications within Atlas #38916

Open npeterson54 opened 2 years ago

npeterson54 commented 2 years ago

This has been De-Prioritized due to the vets-api to Kubernetes move being a higher priority and team changes/contracts expiring.

Problem Statement

As a VSP developer within the platform console, there is no way for me to be able to see if a deployment of my application is up and running.

We might be able to address this by completing the integration with the Platform Infrastructure so that we are able to display an applications' deployment status.

Hypothesis or Bet

We will know we're done when... ("Definition of Done")

Known Blockers/Dependencies

Projected Launch Date

April 30, 2022

Launch Checklist

Is this service / tool / feature...

... tested?

... documented?

... measurable

When you're ready to launch...

Required Artifacts





npeterson54 commented 2 years ago

We may have a dependency on the AMT team to get ARGO and Keycloak integrated - update: this is on their roadmap for Q2.

npeterson54 commented 2 years ago

Potential stories -[ ] Make API available -[ ] Documentation (started, not complete) -[ ] Investigate DEX locally

npeterson54 commented 2 years ago

This should be moved to the backlog/icebox. It has been de-prioritized.

EricaRobbins commented 1 year ago

@raywangoctova - I see this one has been closed in the repository. Can you please check the accuracy on this one? Is this work still pending? Thanks!

EricaRobbins commented 9 months ago

Console work has been on-hold for a long time. Moving this to the backlog, possibly needs a new title. Still a need. Follow up with Eric and update this card @BillChapmanUSDS

annekerr49 commented 7 months ago

Assign to Aparna and Jeff reopen Jonathan -This seems to be just like what version of each application is deployed to production. Bill - Eric picked that up a bit and it was in Atlas and then it was in something else for a bit. Whether this is in Atlas probably needs to be discussed with the Reliability team. Jeff - I should follow up - my understanding of this would be something that the developers want to utilize to understand the deployment status of their application Ray - I think you first need to understand what console service is versus console UI.

Jeff- How does this align with our objectives? Dave - I think the answer is that it may or may not align with our objectives. If it does not align then one of two things needs to happen.

Dave - So i think the answer right now is that is a conversation where we would need to bring up to Chris and how this board is being used is also to show all of the work that is in our backlog that we can't get to because is not a priority to justify, give us more money.

annekerr49 commented 6 months ago

Aparna to follow up with Nate to see if this is out of date.

annekerr49 commented 6 months ago

Jennifer and Grace are touching base on this issue and I think they have worked a solution. I will keep you in the loop if additional help is needed. I think this is getting deprioritized due to, Aparna will check with Nate to see if this is still relevant and if it is blocked or is not relevant any more.

EricaRobbins commented 4 weeks ago

@JeffKeeneVAGov - Either edit card or start new card for Code Owners.