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Permissions Lifecycle Management for Console and other clients #39251

Open mb365247 opened 2 years ago

mb365247 commented 2 years ago

Problem Statement

Managing the permissions life cycle for applications and services onboarded to Keycloak can be tedious and involve a lot of back-and-forth human to human integration. This introduces a margin of error, delays, and inefficiencies in setting up and managing permissions.

How might we simplify the permissions lifecycle management of a Platform application or service onboarded to Keycloak?

Hypothesis or Bet

By simplifying and centralizing permissions lifecycle management per application, we hypothesize we can reduce the time Platform teams need to spend integrating with AMT.

We will know we're done when... ("Definition of Done")

What requirements does this project need to meet for you to finish this initiative?

Known Blockers/Dependencies


Projected Launch Date

End of Q2

Launch Checklist

Is this service / tool / feature...

... tested?

... documented?

... measurable

When you're ready to launch...

Required Artifacts




annekerr49 commented 1 year ago

@kjduensing - Can we get a status update on this item?

annekerr49 commented 1 year ago

@kjduensing - Kevin we are trying to increase the information available to those persons who monitor this board. To that end we are asking that open items updated monthly as to any changes. For our interested colleagues. Please let me know if you have any questions.

annekerr49 commented 1 year ago

@mb365247 @kjduensing - Kevin we are trying to increase the information available to those persons who monitor this board. To that end we are asking that open items updated monthly as to any changes. For our interested colleagues. Please let me know if you have any questions.

annekerr49 commented 1 year ago

@raywangoctova @kjduensing @FHiatt @mb365247 - Platform Crew is having a DE Product Board meeting and I would like to be able to give a status update on the progress the team is making on this item. Can you help? If not can you direct me to someone who can assist?