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Update Platform page for first-time observer guidance #39823

Open claytonzook opened 2 years ago

claytonzook commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a first-time research observer, I need to know what procedures I should follow so that I can ensure I'm not being disruptive to the research

As a first-time research observer, my role is a bit different than experienced observers. I need to know the difference so I don't take on responsibility that I'm not prepared for.


The current Platform page with observer guidelines, explains details and responsibilities that are required of new team members observing for the first time to get acquainted with our work. Also in order to keep the number of observers to a reasonable level to ensure the integrity of research sessions, there is a process that should be followed by new teammates when selecting which sessions to join, and this guidance is not currently on Platform.

New Artifacts

Artifacts Potentially / Confirmed Needing Updates

Platform page: observer guidelines note: this might require a new page instead of a page update - tbd


Acceptance Criteria

Related Governance Team Resources

For additional information and guidance to complete tasks, please see links below. Documentation Update Guidance for GitHub templates
Documentation Update Guidance for Platform Website pages
Documentation Update Guidance for Confluence pages
Guidelines for Governance Team Confluence Space
Guidelines for Platform Products and Services Confluence Space
Description of Platform Website spaces and content

How to configure this issue

shiragoodman commented 7 months ago

@naomimarcussen this ticket was discussed at our refinement meeting in January 2024. Since Governance no longer has a researcher on our team, this is no longer relevant for us. I am removing the Governance label, however we may still want to make the recommended changes to the Research pages on Platform Website.