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New Platform page for trauma-informed research guidance #39828

Open claytonzook opened 2 years ago

claytonzook commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a researcher, I need to conduct research that is trauma-informed so that I'm not putting participants through any undue triggering or trauma inducing space.

As a researcher, I need to understand best practices and VA guidance around trauma-informed research so that I can prepare myself and create a research environment that takes care of all participants.

As a researcher, I need guidance to know when my research should undergo increased scrutiny, so I know when to implement extra precautions in relation to trauma-informed research.

As a Platform team member, I need to a place with trauma-informed research guidance, so I can link or otherwise point folks with questions to best practices and VA approved guidelines on this important topic


Discussions in #research-ops and in #inclusive-research have highlighted the need for trauma-informed research guidance for our researchers. This is currently an on-going discussion, so this ticket is dependent on the outcome of the discussion. These discussions should end with guidance on this topic. This ticket is specifically to take that guidance and create a place on Platform for that to live.

New Artifacts

Platform page for trauma-informed research

Artifacts Potentially / Confirmed Needing Updates

Platform page: research overview Platform page: research checklist Platform page: Conducting Research Sessions


Acceptance Criteria

Related Governance Team Resources

For additional information and guidance to complete tasks, please see links below. Documentation Update Guidance for GitHub templates
Documentation Update Guidance for Platform Website pages
Documentation Update Guidance for Confluence pages
Guidelines for Governance Team Confluence Space
Guidelines for Platform Products and Services Confluence Space
Description of Platform Website spaces and content

How to configure this issue

shiragoodman commented 1 year ago

@joshkimux we discussed this ticket at our refinement today and @naomimarcussen mentioned you were working on something similar. Could you let us know the current state?

joshkimux commented 1 year ago

@shiragoodman yes! Would love to provide an update.

We have drafted guidance here, including links to all draft templates. Consider this google doc as our operational hub for our new trauma practice.

We're kicking off our first trauma practice sync next Monday to begin reviewing, editing, and adding to guidance.

Here are the following pages/templates we're hoping to complete and add to platform guidance:

Guidance (Content)

  1. Welcome to our Trauma Practice (welcome and introduction doc to trauma-informed research and trauma practice at the VA) Final Draft Ready to Publish 11/11/22
  2. Checklist for trauma-informed research Rough Draft Blocked
  3. Protocol for Recognizing and Handling Trauma Rough Draft Needs Social Care Worker Review


  1. Email outreach template Not Started
  2. Research plan template Draft on Github
  3. Conversation guide template Draft on Github
  4. Debrief and presentation template Not Started
  5. Participant bill of rights Not Started
  6. Wellness packet Not Started
shiragoodman commented 1 year ago

Thank you @joshkimux ! this is fantastic! glad to see you're involved with such important work.

@naomimarcussen what are your thoughts on publishing to Platform Website? I realize only the intro guidance is (near) complete, and many of the templates and additional guidance are still in draft. I think, similar to the Inclusive research guidance, we should publish what we have now and make a plan to address the remaining docs once Josh lets us know they're available.

joshkimux commented 1 year ago

@shiragoodman and @naomimarcussen update on this! We've learned alot since drafting up this guidance and have since taken up a community learning model instead where we share learnings through relational mentoring.

That being said, I'd love for us to explore the possibility of publishing our community page (as opposed to our trauma-informed guidance notes) which would include:

I'd imagine our bi-weekly notes might be a bit too much (it would need too many updates) 😅 , but I'd love to link out to them.

@artsymartha68 for awareness (as I'm not sure how to tag Rachael here 😆 )

shiragoodman commented 7 months ago

@naomimarcussen this ticket was discussed at our refinement meeting in January 2024. Since Governance no longer has a researcher on our team, this is no longer relevant for us. I am removing the Governance label, however we may still want to make the recommended changes to the Research pages on Platform Website.