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[Design] Iterate Prototype Based on User Testing #404

Closed joanneesteban closed 5 years ago

joanneesteban commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a Product Decision Maker, I need a clean usability tested dashboard so I can easily read the data that will be a part of my product workflow.


Iterate on the Analytics Dashboard MVP Prototype based on findings from user testing.

Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

joanneesteban commented 5 years ago

To Do/Blockers:

joanneesteban commented 5 years ago

The Product Health MVP has been iterated on here with achievable design updates.

Adding the design blockers (access issues and thresholds over time) to and we will continue to add the additional relevant user findings to the MVP.

The first MVP iteration with user research input was created. Working on second iteration for accessibility and thresholds. Closing this issue.

amycesal commented 5 years ago

Recommendation: Consider allowing users to export the dashboard and individual charts as PNGs, JPGs, and PDFs.

This functionality is basically possible in google sheets. Or with screenshots.

Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 9 21 44 AM

Recommendation: Rewrite labels and tooltips in plain language.

I re-wrote all the column headers to be more plain language. The tooltips are still a little verbose, but I think it's helpful to have a more technical definition there.

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Recommendation: Place Support Contact information in a visible and consistent place.

This is at the top of every page now.

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Recommendation: Consider combining the icons + color and color-gradient versions so that the dashboards are accessible.

This is not possible with google sheets. The conditional formatting tool only allows for color, not icon like Excel. It could be done manually (which is what was done for the prototype) but that sort of defeats the purpose of having an automatically generated dashboard.

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