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Discovery: Is `metatags` needed? #4081

Open cvalarida opened 4 years ago

cvalarida commented 4 years ago


Is metatags needed in the tome-sync export? What are they there for now? What would happen if we didn't have them?


The tome-sync module doesn't include it, so we'll have to add it in ourselves on the Drupal side of things. If we needed to, we could launch the new build process without this, but it would have a limited functionality.

This ticket is to determine what the effects of that limited functionality would be.

bkjohnson commented 4 years ago

It looks like the metatags are there to create the "cards" on social sites like twitter & facebook. From twitter's docs:

Simply add a few lines of markup to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to their followers.

And the docs go on to describe how to properly use the meta tags.

The metatags with the og:* keys are part of the Open Graph Protocol which facebook happens to use.

The "description" metatags are also likely useful for search engines.