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[508] Add page info to Pagination documentation #41832

Open Mottie opened 2 years ago

Mottie commented 2 years ago


To provide optimal screenreader usability, the pagination documentation needs to include a section on adding a page info block above the content. When the page is changed, focus should be moved to this paragraph. Example:

Showing 21 through 30 of 50 items, Page 3 of 5

card 21
card 22
card 30

< Prev 1 [2] 3 4 5 Next >
Example from Facilities locator Showing 1 through 10 of 17 results for filtered items in the facility location page search example Showing 1-10 of 999 results for 'veteran' highlighted on search page

cc: @joshkimux


Definition of done

caw310 commented 2 years ago

Notes from DSC meeting when this was discussed: