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2022 Q3 Console UI - Personalized Views within the Console #42461

Open lhelmer opened 2 years ago

lhelmer commented 2 years ago

Problem Statement

When a user logs into the Console, there is no easy way for them to see the teams, systems, or tools that are available for their them in their personal context. A lot of the tasks that are currently possible in the Console require a user to navigate the Catalog.

How might we create a personalized view for Console users?

Hypothesis or Bet

Creating personalized views for Console users will enable them to have a better first experience on the Console and make it more likely for them to return to the Console. Personalized views will decrease the time it takes to navigate to the tools they need, thereby reducing time on task.

Personalized views will make it easier for Console users to find all of their tools in one place, reducing context switching and enhancing productivity.

We will know we're done when... ("Definition of Done")

Stretch goal

Known Blockers/Dependencies

Projected Launch Date

September 9, 2022

Launch Checklist

This is a pilot and launch will be the feature working + tested in the Development environment. If time allows, promote to Utility environment

When you're ready to launch...

Required Artifacts




There will be no metrics associated with this pilot Console feature, except pages views

jchapin commented 2 years ago

399 is the primary blocker. When using for the primary authentication of the user... all the things from GitHub are not naturally associated with the user. This may be solved by us or AMT