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Data QA - New Dashboard - Sitewide Homepage Search #42539

Closed michelle-dooley closed 2 years ago

michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

Issue Description

This is an internal ticket for the data QA portion of the Sitewide Homepage Search.


Acceptance Criteria

jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago
QA : VA Homepage Ticket #41512 - Sitewide Search Dashboard (VA Homepage)  
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Successful searches Event Label = onsite-search-results-click/, Total events 🟢 PASS
Search funnel Event Label = view_search_results/, Total events - page is 🟢 PASS
Search refinement rate BigQuery metric (SUM(refinement) / count(distinct concat(session_id, hit_number))*1.0 🟢 PASS
Task Completion    
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Search click rate BigQuery metric/ custom metric ((COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN event_label= 'onsite-search-results-click' THEN CONCAT(session_id, hit_number) END)/COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN event_label = 'view_search_results' THEN CONCAT(session_id, hit_number) END)) as search_click_rate) 🟢 PASS
Clicks by position BigQuery metric - CASE WHEN search_results_position <= 2 THEN '1st or 2nd' WHEN search_results_position > 2 AND search_results_position <= 5 THEN '3rd - 5th' WHEN search_results_position > 5 THEN '6th or more' END as Click_rate_by_position, 🟢 PASS
Results clicked BQMetric  see below comment
Ease of use (search abandonment)    
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Searched sessions Sessions tab of report  Blocker
Abandoned sessions BigQuery metric  Blocker
Search abandonment rate BigQuery metric  Blocker
Abandonment rates by most common search terms BigQuery metric  Blocker
Ease of use (search refinement)    
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Refinement rate BigQuery metric - SUM(refinement) / count(distinct concat(session_id, hit_number)) 🟢 PASS
Search sessions by number of refinements BigQuery metric sum(refinement) as total_refinements, ( CASE WHEN total_refinements = 0 then '0 refinements' WHEN total_refinements = 1 then '1 refinement' WHEN total_refinements = 2 then '2 refinements' WHEN total_refinements > 2 then '3 or more' END , Total sessions = COUNT(DISTINCT session_id) 🟢 PASS (total sessions)
No results found BigQuery metric (COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN results_returned = 'No Search Results Returned' THEN CONCAT(session_id, hit_number) END)/COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN event_label = 'view_search_results' THEN CONCAT(session_id, hit_number) END)) as No_results_found 🟢 PASS
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Top pages viewed before searching BQMetric  see below comment
Total search users Users tab of report 🟢 PASS
Avg. searches per user BigQuery metric - COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN event_label = 'view_search_results' THEN CONCAT(session_id, hit_number) END) / COUNT(DISTINCT user) 🟢 PASS
Search users by device Device tab of report 🟢 PASS
Top browsers types used to search Browser tab of report 🟢 PASS
michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

Adding slack convo for reference.

jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago
Task Completion    
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Results clicked BigQuery metric - selectsearch_result_chosen_title as results_chosen, count(distinct concat(session_id, hit_number)) as total_eventsfrom vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week where search_scope = 'All' and event_label = 'onsite-search-results-click' and previous_page in ('','') group by search_result_chosen_title order by total_events desc 🟢 PASS

Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Top pages viewed before searching BigQuery metric selectdate,previous_page,search_scope,count(distinct concat(session_id, hit_number)) as total_events,from vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week where search_scope = 'VA Homepage' --and previous_page LIKE '' and event_label = 'view_search_results' group by date,previous_page,search_scopeorder by date desc; 🟢 PASS
jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago
Ease of use (search abandonment)    
Chart title Assets Pass / Fail
Searched sessions BigQuery metric - selectCOUNT (DISTINCT session_id) as search_sessions,from vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week where search_scope = 'VA Homepage' and event_label = 'view_search_results' order by search_sessions desc 🟢 PASS
chloedotbrown commented 2 years ago

Hi @jonathan-epstein13 - I'm pasting code below for the 3 search abandonment metrics still in need of QA.

Notes for using:

I'll also flag this in Slack for @michelle-dooley - but in going through these, I noticed an error in the Domo ETL that I've corrected. The grouping and join criteria did not include the search_scope field, which impacted abandonment metrics by undercounting them for users who used more than one search product in a session. The ETL now includes this field in both steps and QA logic reflects the change as well.

with search_sessions as (
    count(distinct event_label) as unique_labels,
    string_agg(event_label, ' ~ ') as concat_labels
from `vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week` 
group by 
  date, session_id, user, search_scope, device_category, browser

abandoned_sessions as (
    (case when unique_labels = 1 
      and concat_labels like 'view_search_results%'
      then 'true' else 'false' end) as is_abandoned
  from search_sessions

-- QA for "Abandoned Sessions"
  count(distinct s.session_id) as total_sessions
from `vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week` s
left join abandoned_sessions a
  on s.session_id = a.session_id 
  and s.search_scope = a.search_scope
where is_abandoned = 'true'
group by search_scope

-- QA for "Search Abandonment Rate"
          (count(distinct case when is_abandoned = 'true' then s.session_id end) /
              count(distinct s.session_id))as numeric), 2) as abandonment_rate
from `vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week` s
left join abandoned_sessions a
  on s.session_id = a.session_id 
  and s.search_scope = a.search_scope
group by search_scope

-- QA for "Abandonment Rates by Most Common Search Terms"
  count(distinct case when event_label = 'view_search_results' 
    then concat(s.session_id, hit_number) end) as total_queries,
          (count(distinct case when is_abandoned = 'true' then s.session_id end) /
              count(distinct s.session_id))as numeric), 2) as abandonment_rate
from `vsp-analytics-and-insights.vsp_sites.vw_search_last_week` s
left join abandoned_sessions a
  on s.session_id = a.session_id 
  and s.search_scope = a.search_scope
where s.search_scope = 'VA Homepage'
  and search_query != '(not set)'
group by search_scope, search_query
order by total_queries desc
limit 10
michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

@chloedotbrown thanks for identifying and fixing the ETL. I do not think it warrants a communication as long as the dictionary is in sync. If we get questions then we can communicate it out but I don't think we will.

@jonathan-epstein13 just let us know once you have been able to complete this last bit of QA

jonathan-epstein13 commented 2 years ago

@michelle-dooley the last QA that I needed help with was the abandonment section and @chloedotbrown was able to help with that BQ side of things. so we are good to go. I can post the entire QA-GA to the ticket#41512 What are your thoughts @chloedotbrown ?

chloedotbrown commented 2 years ago

I think we don't need to post the QA table in the external-facing ticket. We usually don't, and I imagine it could be overwhelming! Glad to hear that things went well with last few abandonment metric checks.

Sounds like we should be able to close this ticket and let Michelle M know she's good to go in #41512?

michelle-dooley commented 2 years ago

This work is complete.