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SOCKS access for David Shannon #42560

Closed dsinla closed 2 years ago

dsinla commented 2 years ago

Your Name

David Shannon

Your Email

Your Role and Team

Product Manager / Facilities

Product Manager (PM) name and email

Kevin Walsh

Product Owner (PO) name and email

Dave Conlon

Public SSH Key

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQC0jdtQunNFJ9BJK9+kWsSt/NkOXTIKHek92Ue57giguBZd2wwNFGflHpdjwaCZEBpOyQzci05BisGgHNlMwXLM+fJoQjfB++OWilyIhVCGS/Zjy4SyvrMkgRqg1g2PT0cxkujEf+2o1tTY+5cceDuv3HjMgTGuthsg3F+wZMomFmxLSsmMx9q320AhWrMBzgsllva1SK79acK1iV7oOMxbIapnyM6Nmm/wNEfsoIKHVZqOrsMjcl4WePKzEyydjdh/jh78N2KoVDeW3nVC/qstaZN4jpoD6z2mG7spuWnXUu1CgnAFym1KA177wB9TlF5B9YMYzRkVwDw5zL066FY2ExUJ1UM3kn/2QKerMYdJjGeR3qkLK1B1ayRnc25DUocO1CdX7QG0H7KcW74bTbHokAKZL0XkAyvwJOcwAGRQZfOblvb1jJZWTtE5EBXP983CE76Bd5mx2rqisQn7LVHK1EuW4ExeKtUKfzEkAnIi6AdFX8NuK29BDLNsQcC2IYk= dshannon@Agile6-A94

User must exist in a roster before SOCKS access can be granted

kjduensing commented 2 years ago

Found @dsinla in the VFS Team Roster - kicking off process.

kjduensing commented 2 years ago

@dsinla - SOCKS access granted. Please continue with the guide to establish a connection to SOCKS proxy. If you run into any issues, please feel free to reach out in the #vfs-platform-support channel using the support request workflow.