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[FE] Day-of Check-in - Display Retry Message for CHIP 503 Timeout #44895

Open kanchanasuriya opened 1 year ago

kanchanasuriya commented 1 year ago

User Story

As a user, I want to see a relevant error message when there is a downstream service timeout failure so that I can retry again for appointment check-in. (Refer below snapshot for the current error message shown to the user)

Note: Pre-checkin workflow shows the relevant error message for the user to try again later.

User Workflow

Backend Implementation

Currently vets-api returns 400 for CHIP API Gateway timeout status code 503 and FE cannot differentiate the underlying timeout issue from other errors from the service layer. Dialing up check_in_experience_504_error_mapping_enabled, vets-api will start sending 503 to enable FE for differentiating timeout errors from others.

FE page snapshot currently displayed



acrollet commented 1 year ago

@loripusey should we see if we have capacity to pull this in for next sprint?

loripusey commented 1 year ago

@acrollet I'll add it to the tentative list, we can talk about it in planning

loripusey commented 1 year ago

Wait for VistA API to Cloud migration is done before we pick up this ticket

loripusey commented 1 month ago

Too old, closing