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:red_circle: Product Owner/Manager Roles and Responsibilities Overview #46192

Closed dmkosko closed 1 year ago

dmkosko commented 2 years ago

What Create a roles and responsibilities document for anyone assuming the role of Product Owner/Manager at OCTO.


Fostering room for collaboration, everyone knows the expectations, and there is alignment between the roles which allows for less energy to be wasted.

Things to do

dmkosko commented 2 years ago

8/24 - Document is complete, just waiting on the design team to have at it. I reached out to Danielle and while she is still working on PACT ACT comms, she is going to take a look for us shortly.

leahbannon2 commented 1 year ago

This is the current version of the OCTO Product Roles Responsibilities.docx. I'm currently reviewing it in meetings with each Product Lead/Product Manager pair in the Health Portfolio to get final feedback and identify additional next steps.

Feedback from Andrea:

I love this doc. I think it's very comprehensive and can't think of any content to add. My major feedback is that if this isn't happening now (like in the case of Platform) how do we get product leads to get there? On Platform, most of my teams are doing most of the Product Lead work (except Contract management). Are we unique in that? This sounds amazing but how do we tangibly get to this being the reality?

And this is probably more long term, but for each of the expectations (roadmap -- longterm and short term, OKRs, vision/northstar, ect) it would be great to have a process in place we're all using so we all know where to find other's roadmaps and they are mapped out the same way.

I know that feedback was a bit out of scope, but the content of this looks complete so I'm just looking toward the future.

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Meeting scheduled with Heather Justice, Mark Fallows, and Patrick Bateman on 11/8 to discuss PL/PM roles and responsibilities document.

Meeting scheduled with Lori Pusey, Chris Horton, and Stephen Barrs on 11/9 to discuss PL/PM roles and responsibilities document.

lkoenigsberg commented 1 year ago

Leah's working doc:

dmkosko commented 1 year ago
dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Leah provided final edits and feedback to the Roles and Responsibilities doc as well as suggestions that should be approved/denied by Lisa. Dan is the process of setting up a Q&A with the Prod Ops team and Leah to discuss.

FINAL_OCTO Product Roles & Responsibilities Feedback.docx FINAL_OCTO Product Roles Responsibilities.docx

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

DK - March 2nd - These tasks will be moved over to the new issue ticket

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Meeting rescheduled to December 13th

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Meeting rescheduled to January 11th

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Meeting minutes are here

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Dan currently working on adding information to doc regarding role of Product Owner/Business Stakeholder. Hoping to share a draft early next week.

Lisa mentioned that for the Feb 17th action, she recently started a conversation on this topic with government folks which can be found here. The objective here is to make sure we're creating the right product forms (think of onboarding new product people and info on stakeholder mgmt). Lisa is looping in Mickin to assist from the contractor side. The long-term goal is to put together a product library of documents, templates, etc. to give product people the ease of finding commonly used items.

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Dan is still adding to the draft of the Product Owner/Business Stakeholder section. Hoping to send out a draft in a day or two.

The product development checklist is being retired as the Governance team feels its not something they feel they should be providing to the teams. The checklist hasn't been updated in quite some time and should not be seen as a trusted source of truth. Shira and team working on an updated checklist which is expected to be visible to the teams around the March 31st timeframe.

Shira has been OOO, but I would like to propose sharing that document with the Prod Ops team to see what feedback is received to ultimately ensure all documents and key areas (KPIs, analytics, etc.) are included and understood.

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Lisa is working on revamping the playbook and potentially thinking about going in a new direction (will discuss with the team).

Lisa and Dan still working on the roles and responsibilities document updates

Regarding the process for issue templates, before creating anything new, we should see if an existing one is available or if a deleted one can be reused.

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Regarding the collab cycle, there are different stages of the process which require certain artifacts. There may be an area where we can get the Government and Contractor sides engaged and that would be the Product Launch Checklist. Teams have mentioned this document is beneficial, but lacks recent updates.

lkoenigsberg commented 1 year ago

@dmkosko , I've cleaned up the latest version of this document here. What is the status of the last section?

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

Stakeholder section ready for review as of Wednesday morning. Made final edits Tuesday evening. Shared the update with Lisa on slack, but sharing here as well.

dmkosko commented 1 year ago

The roles and responsibilities have been finalized for the Product Lead and Manager sections. Dan will enter the information into GitHub as the one source of truth. We will close this ticket and open up a new one that goes into the next set of activities (i.e., communications, updating existing links on different pages, etc.).

The stakeholder section is a work in progress and we will continue iterating on.