Closed RLHecht closed 1 year ago
Updated 9/29. Removed pages that have been published (Jupiter, South Bend, St. Petersburg, Chicago, Gainesville, and Sioux Falls)
Update 9/22: I reviewed all of the VCs in this ticket, plus some others that came through the copyediting phase. Here are where they stand:
Edited and sent back for corrections/confirmation:
Edited and sent to Tiffany for final sign off:
Ready for publishing, except holding for a CAP issue
@megzehn Pensacola Vet Center is ready for a copy-editing pass before moving into the final review process. Thank you!
Daytona Beach and Greenville, SC are both ready for your copy-editing pass, @megzehn
Knoxville is also ready for copy-editing @megzehn
@megzehn Madison Vet Center is ready for copy editing. I've reported their broken link to the support team, fyi.
@megzehn Lawrenceville Vet Center is ready for copy editing
@megzehn Fort Lauderdale is ready for copy-editing
10/6 update:
Copy edited and published: Lawrenceville, Madison, Greenville, and Pensacola
Copy edited and with Tiffany: Daytona Beach
Back with VC for more edit requests: Fort Lauderdale
To be copy edited: Minot
Hi @RLHecht and @mmiddaugh! Sending a few updates over before I take off for the next week:
Ready to be published
To be copyedited
I’m happy to either finish looking at their page when I return or pass it over to you Randi, if you have some time.
Thank you both so much for all of your help!!
@megzehn Tallahassee is ready for you - it's spare but clean.
@megzehn To be copy edited, please
@megzehn To be copy edited, please
From Tiffany:
@megzehn Macomb County is ready for a copy-editing pass.
@megzehn Pontiac is also ready for copy-editing (same editor as Macomb County, fyi) please include Kristina Krozal (new director) on feedback
@megzehn Chicago Heights is also ready for you
Thank you! Confirming that these are all copy edited and submitted for final review, and the Knowledge Base article is updated.
I also sent additional feedback to St. Paul on 11/22.
Per Tiffany's email 12/6, the following are ready for copy-editing
Closing as we're tracking the last 2 Vet Centers elsewhere.
Issue Description
This ticket is to track the final copyedits of Vet Centers before we send them to Tiffany and Jessica for their review.
Michelle and Randi will add to the list as pages are ready for Megan.
District 2
District 3
District 4
Acceptance Criteria