As an action item from the vets-api latency postmortem, platform should ensure that we get notifications about HPI - Gateway South (GWS) availability and limited functionality. It was new knowledge to platform that a round robin scheme is used to load balance requests across all gateways. Additionally, many of our downstream partners utilize GWS. It was to our knowledge that we didn't use GWS, therefore we had limited monitoring for GWS.
Issue Description
As an action item from the vets-api latency postmortem, platform should ensure that we get notifications about HPI - Gateway South (GWS) availability and limited functionality. It was new knowledge to platform that a round robin scheme is used to load balance requests across all gateways. Additionally, many of our downstream partners utilize GWS. It was to our knowledge that we didn't use GWS, therefore we had limited monitoring for GWS.