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Upgrade vets-api Postgres Database from v11 to v15 #51598

Open ericboehs opened 1 year ago

ericboehs commented 1 year ago

Product Outline

High Level User Story/ies

As a system administrator, I need to upgrade the vets-api Postgres database from version 11 to version 15 so I can ensure we are using a version that is supported and can take advantage of the latest features and performance enhancements.

Hypothesis or Bet

If we upgrade the vets-api Postgres database to version 15, then we expect to maintain or improve application performance, leverage new database features, and continue to receive support from the community.


Objective: Improve the system's reliability and performance. Key Result: Successfully upgrade the vets-api Postgres database from version 11 to version 15 with no critical issues or performance degradation.

Definition of done


1. Story: Run Unit Tests

2. Story: Decide on the Upgrade Method

3. Story: Prepare Testing Environment

4. Story: Perform Performance Testing

5. Story: Conduct Data Migration Testing

6. Story: Conduct Failover and Recovery Testing

7. Story: Perform User Acceptance Testing

8. Story: Implement Monitoring

9. Story: Plan Production Deployment

10. Story: Deploy to Production

11. Story: Post-Upgrade Monitoring

Research and Notes

See this Confluence doc for additional information and ideas -

Old Description

We're on Postgres 11.8 for Vets API Prod DB. 11.8 is no longer supported and we should upgrade.

Amazon also plans to stop supporting all 11.x versions late this year.

Ideally, we upgrade to 14.x as 15.1 is out in the community and Amazon should be adding it shortly (in the next few weeks is my guess).

ianhundere commented 1 year ago

we have this in our backlog, but i'll close that one in favor of this time and include the appropriate labels.

also, this may need to be a collective/joint effort between devops and backend teams. going to add the backend label as well to track.

further info on EOL dates for postgres/rds versions: