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Platform Orientation - Refine Platform Orientation experience for VFS teams #52400

Open shiragoodman opened 1 year ago

shiragoodman commented 1 year ago

Problem Statement

In the Platform Orientation - Discovery research around VFS challenges initiative, Governance team completed research to uncover the top pain points and challenges VFS team members face while completing Platform Orientation. See research findings. The purpose of this initiative is to address the below finding and insights:

Research finding

  1. The size of the platform orientation template is daunting for some. It is unclear what is required vs. optional or how long each item will take.

Research insights

  1. Orientation feels overwhelming. In our research guide, we hypothesized that orientation is a daunting experience for new VFS team members. We believed that we may be sharing more information at a given time than most users can effectively absorb. While there was variation in feedback, this was mostly true. Several participants described orientation as “drinking from the firehose.”
  2. Expectations of orientation are unclear. Contributing to the overwhelm is lack of clarity on what is required/optional or how long the tasks are expected to take, which isn’t communicated in the Github ticket. New team members mentioned their struggles with accessing some tools and not understanding how to problem solve effectively (they didn’t know where to go for help) after their orientation was complete.

How might we manage the size of the Platform Orientation template so it is not so intimidating for VFS teams? How might we define our expectations up front so that VFS teams are clear what is being asked of them? How might we refine the intent of the template so each purpose is clear and understood? How might we streamline orientation to only ask what is necessary of VFS teams?

Hypothesis or Bet

How will this initiative impact the quality of VFS or Platform teams' work? How will this initiative be easy for VFS or Platform teams? Or how will it be easier than what they did before?

We will know we're done when... ("Definition of Done")

Known Blockers/Dependencies

List any blockers or dependencies for this work to be completed

Projected Launch Date

Launch Checklist

Guidance (delete before posting)

This checklist is intended to be used to help answer, "is my Platform initiative ready for launch?". All of the items in this checklist should be completed, with artifacts linked---or have a brief explanation of why they've been skipped---before launching a given Platform initiative. All links or explanations can be provided in Required Artifacts sections. The items that can be skipped are marked as such.

Keep in mind the distinction between Product and Initiative --- each Product needs specific supporting documentation, but Initiatives to improve existing Products should reuse existing documentation for that Product. VSP Product Terminology for details.

Is this service / tool / feature...

... tested?

... documented?

... measurable

When you're ready to launch...

Required Artifacts





shiragoodman commented 10 months ago

Putting this initiative on hold until Service Design is able to provide support per their initiative #63342

shiragoodman commented 3 weeks ago

@humancompanion-usds I'd like to close this initiative and instead, prioritize #85562. That initiative still needs refinement, but we can include level-setting on VFS expectations with Orientation within that epic. Please let me know what you think. I will put this on our agenda for 6/14 so we can discuss.