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Discovery for accessibility annotation guidelines (requirements?) at Midpoint Review #52453

Open briandeconinck opened 1 year ago

briandeconinck commented 1 year ago

User Story

"As a VFS team member, I want to get the most complete accessibility feedback I can get at Midpoint Review, so that we can avoid potential launch-blocking issues at our Staging Review."

"As the Governance team accessibility specialist, I want to know what decisions have already been made about accessible interactions when designing the Midpoint Review prototype, so I can give useful feedback before the prototype is handed off to the VFS team's engineers."

Assignee: Peer Reviewer:


For accessibility, there's potentially a big gap that happens between a VFS team's Midpoint Review and their Staging Review. At Midpoint, we should be seeing the team's finalized prototype (pending usability testing) -- typically a sequence of static images showing the intended visual appearance of each page of the product under different conditions. At Staging, we have real code that will be navigated and parsed by disabled users and assistive technology. There are a lot of potential interactions that may not be accounted for in the static prototype images.

Whenever possible, the accessibility feedback we give at Midpoint tries to anticipate how engineers may plan to implement the prototype and make code suggestions for different interaction patterns. But when providing that feedback, we often don't know how much the designer has already been thinking about those interactions, or whether the recommendations made at Midpoint will get documented and passed to the engineering team as intended.

One technique that may help is accessibility bluelining, or annotating prototypes specifically for accessibility information (example discussions of bluelines: How accessibility bluelines shaped Adobe Fresco and Bluelines: documenting accessible designs, HCDE-ALB video). Including bluelined prototypes at Midpoint would:

The Design System team has already built an annotations library in Sketch. But only a handful of VFS designers are currently doing this. Asking (or requiring?) VFS teams to include accessibility annotations as part of their submitted artifacts would be a big change.

Discovery work completed as part of this ticket should:

Useful resources:

This came up in the discussion around #52170, but we decided it was potentially a big enough change that it should be separated out as its own future initiative.

Impacted Artifacts


Peer Review

To be completed by peer reviewer

Acceptance Criteria

How to prepare this issue


shiragoodman commented 1 year ago

@briandeconinck I read through part of this, and to me this sounds more like an initiative than a simple 1 sprint ticket. Let's plan to discuss at our next 1:1 (unless you'd prefer to meet and discuss sooner).

shiragoodman commented 7 months ago

hey @briandeconinck . I discussed requiring accessibility annotations at MPR with Matt at our last 1:1. You had previously shared that Martha would like to make them required at Midpoint Review. Here are my notes from our discussion:

Could you take a look at this original ticket and make sure it is up to date (granted it's a year old - I'm not sure if anything is no longer relevant)? Would you also see if you can answer Matt's questions whether within the ticket or as a reply to this comment. Please lmk if you have any questions - thank you!