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Collaboration Cycle for MHV to Team - Medical Records (Comprehensive Domains) #53454

Open bryan-riley-va opened 1 year ago

bryan-riley-va commented 1 year ago

VFS product information

VFS team name

Health Modernization (vfs-mhv-medical-records)

Product name

Medical Records

Feature name

Medical Records includes the following 'domains': -Lab & Test - (Chemistry/Hematology, Microbiology, Pathology, Cardiology Images/Reports, Radiology Images/Reports) -Care Summaries & Notes - (VA Notes, Admission and Discharge Summaries) -Health History - Vaccines, Allergies, Vitals, Health Conditions -Downloadable Reports - Blue Button, Health Summary

GitHub label for product


GitHub label for feature

No response

Kickoff questions

Toggle kickoff questions ### When did/will you start working on this product/feature? Dec 1 2022 ### Will your work result in visible changes to the user experience? Yes ### Are you doing research with users? Yes ### Will your work involve changes to... Both ### Does your product/feature have Google Analytics tracking and a KPI dashboard in Domo? No ### Do you need to capture any additional analytics or metrics? Unsure ### Product outline ### Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this ticket in the vfs-platform-support Slack channel. - [X] I acknowledge that I must notify \#vfs-platform-support after submitting this issue.

Recommended Collaboration Cycle touchpoints

Design Intent

Toggle Design Intent We will have multiple design intent reviews as part of this ticket. See [Slack thread](
Design Intent - Immunizations (Complete) **[Previous design intent ticket](** - [X] Whiteboard sketch or other lo-fi prototypes or wireframes - [Print flow]( - [Print and share flow]( - [Print and share option 2]( - [X] [User flow]( - [Wire flow]( - [Wire flow Option 2]( - [X] [Research plan ]( - [X] Any other artifacts you have so far - [Internal research with SMEs]( - [External generative research with Veterans]( - [Immunizations data brief](
Design Intent - Lab & Test (Complete) **[Previous Slack request](** **[Previous design intent ticket](** - [x] Whiteboard sketch or other lo-fi prototypes or wireframes - [Low fidelity mocks]( (All pages) is broken down into the following types of views: - [Landing page for all labs & tests]( [Landing page with expanded 'disclaimer' for labs & tests]( - Details view: [Chemistry/hematology (collapsed 'tests' accordions)]( [Expanded 'tests' accordions]( [Example with data included]( - Details view: [Microbiology]( [Example with data included]( - Details view: [VA Pathology]( [Example with data included]( - Details view: [VA Medical images and reports]( [Example with data included]( - [User flow:]( - Research plan We intend to conduct usability tests with a high fidelity prototype on both desktop and mobile screens. - Any other artifacts you have so far - [High Fidelity Mocks:](
Design Intent - Notes, Allergies, Vitals, Health Conditions, Downloadable Reports - Planning **Design Intent artifacts** - [x] Whiteboard sketch or other lo-fi prototypes or wireframes **Low fidelity mocks:** - [Notes landing page]( - [Notes details page]( - [Allergies landing page]( - [Allergies details page]( - [Vitals landing page]( - [Vitals details page]( - [Health conditions landing page]( - [Health conditions details page]( - Example of a PDF download (this is for Vaccines, but the format will be applicable to most domains) [single record download]( | [list download]( - [Share your medical record]( - [ ] Research plan: - [x] Any other artifacts you have so far Domain briefs: [Notes]( [Allergies]( [Vitals]( [Health conditions]( ##### Platform actions - [x] Follow Moderator Responsibilities guidance for Design Intent - [x] Meeting date/time: 03/17/2023, 11:30am ET #### After meeting ##### Platform actions - [x] If you have feedback, create feedback tickets and link to this epic. Once you have completed you review, check the box next to your practice area - [x] Accessibility has completed the review - [x] Design has completed the review - [x] IA has completed the review - [x] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - Recording URL: - Password: Ub!K?C9t ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review feedback tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns

Sitewide Content and IA Intake Request

Toggle Sitewide Content and IA Intake Request ##### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [sitewide content and IA intake request process]( - [ ] Link to the Sitewide Content and IA Intake Request ticket below

Research Review

Toggle Research Review #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [research review process](

Midpoint Review

Toggle Midpoint Review #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions Navigate to reference link: [Midpoint Review Guidance]( - [ ] Schedule your Midpoint Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly midpoint review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [ ] Check this box if you'd like this review to be asynchronous (Please refer to the [Midpoint Review guidance]( for the difference between a synchronous meeting and an asynchronous review) - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Midpoint Review artifacts section below at least two days before the scheduled Midpoint Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** **Midpoint Review artifacts** Provide links or documents for the following: - [X] Finalized design prototype or mockup - [Mobile]( - [Desktop]( **PDF Report Sample** - [Page 1]( - [Page 2]( - [Page 3]( - [x] Specify which pages are included in the review - [Research Plan]( - [Conversation Guide]( **Content artifacts** - [X] Your product’s content source of truth - [X] Github ticket for any relevant static content page and entry point updates for tool or feature (if applicable) [Content team work tracker]( Note: Adding Word versions of the content tracker and the 2 other Sharepoint content docs it links to here, since there was trouble with Sharepoint. These are living collaboration docs, so these versions are frozen for midpoint as of 4.19.23: - [Content work tracker.4.19.23]( - [Working content doc for larger content pieces.4.19.23]( - [Content-related product questions tracker.4.19.23]( **IA artifacts** - [X] Please include a link to any [Sitewide Content & IA]( feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form. [Medical Records IA Mural board]( [IA Design for MHV on VA,gov: Medical Records]( **Accessibilty artifacts** the team added this information [Accessibility midpoint prep ticket]( Accessibility annotations: - [Landing page]( - [List view]( - [Detail view]( - [Images list ](| [Individual image]( - [PDF example]( (Vaccines list) **IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT THE DELIVERABLES ABOVE** - Due to time constraints, we were unable to prototype all of the additional dropdown links. The links that may not clickable (though the content is identical in all instances) are available in the following pages: - What to know about downloading records [desktop]( | [mobile]( - Need help understanding your results? [desktop]( | [mobile]( - What’s the standard range? [desktop]( | [mobile]( - There are concepts that we have discussed with the accessibility team that will still require research before we can address them. The first suggestion was to provide users - especially those using assistive technology - with means of contextualizing and understanding the reports and notes that are populated. Because we don’t have the autonomy to manipulate clinical data, we need to continue collaborating to find an accessible solution. Second, because the data attached to medical images is limited, we are ideating methods of providing generic-yet-descriptive alt text for images such as X-rays. - Throughout the prototypes, there is data that appears to be formatted inconsistently or incorrectly, and this is intentional. While we are doing our best to manipulate data in a way to make medical records more accessible and implement plain language, there are some areas that our developers won’t have the ability or capacity to adjust for Phase 0, such as data that is populated in all caps, symbols being used incorrectly, overly verbose titles, or medical acronyms that will require a much deeper understanding of the data limitations before we can apply more accessible and patient-friendly terminology. - The PDF reports generated within this tool still require research by the content team. The informational content applied to the HTML pages will contain links and information that may not be helpful to users when printed. The content in the provided PDF sample is likely to change. **QA artifacts** An artifact that corresponds to each standard in the [QA Standards]( - [X] [Regression test plan]( - - [X] [Test plan]( - - [X] [Coverage for References]( - See Comments - [X] [Summary(Defects) reports]( -(No Defects Found During Regression Test Run) - [X] [E2E tests]( - - [X] [Code coverage]( (provide a link to the product’s code) ##### Platform actions - [x] Follow Moderator Responsibilities guidance for Midpoint Review - [x] Meeting date/time: 4/21/2023, 2 pm ET. - [x] Slack Channel Thread: [LINK]( #### After meeting ##### Platform actions - [ ] If you have midpoint review feedback, create feedback ticket and link to this epic. Once you have completed your review, check the box next to your practice area - [x] Design has completed the review - [x] Accessibility has completed the review - [x] IA has completed the review - [x] Content has completed the review - [ ] QA has completed the review - [x] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - Recording URL: - Password: `9CvnT=6r` ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review feedback tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns

Analytics Request

Toggle Analytics Request #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [analytics request process]( - [ ] Link to the Analytics Implementation and QA Request ticket below

Contact Center Review

Toggle Contact Center Review #### VFS actions - [x] Complete the [Contact Center review process]( - [x] Link to the Contact Center review request ticket below - [x]

Staging Review (allergies only)

Toggle Staging Review #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions - Navigate to reference link: [Staging Review Guidance]( - [x] Schedule your Staging Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly staging review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” 9/19/23 at 11:30 eastern - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [x] Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this event with scheduled date/time in #vfs-platform-support ([see Slack Workflow User guide]( - [x] If this product contains any [experimental design](, add the `experimental-design` label and schedule a meeting with DSC to present the research findings. - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Staging Review artifacts section below at least four days before the scheduled Staging Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** - [ ] I confirm the environment is available and test users have been provided. - [x] Please verify your product information in the [Product Directory]( **Staging Review artifacts** Platform guidance on [Staging Review artifacts]( **Product artifacts** - [x] Staging URL - [x] Specify which pages are included in the review **For the first staging review, only the bolded pages below are included. Further domains will be validated in the second staging review per communication with the collab cycle team.** **-/my-health/Medical-Records (Landing Page)** -/my-health/medical-records/labs-and-tests -/my-health/medical-records/labs-and-tests/:labId -/my-health/medical-records/labs-and-tests/:labId/images - Radiology Image List -/my-health/medical-records/labs-and-tests/:labId/images/:imageId - Single Image -/my-health/medical-records/download-your-medical-records -/my-health/medical-records/settings - VHIE Sharing Setting Page **-/my-health/medical-records/allergies** **-/my-health/medical-records/allergies/:allergyId** -/my-health/medical-records/care-summaries-and-notes -/my-health/medical-records/care-summaries-and-notes/:noteId -/my-health/medical-records/vaccines -/my-health/medical-records/vaccines/:vaccineId -/my-health/medical-records/vitals -/my-health/medical-records/vitals/:vitalType -/my-health/medical-records/health-conditions -/my-health/medical-records/health-conditions/:conditionId - [x] Staging test user information **Note:** Please double-check that you've provided staging access information appropriate for testing the tool or feature. Don't put staging credentials in your ticket; store [test user information, passwords, and tasks]( in a .md file in the repository. **Content artifacts** - [x] Github ticket for any relevant static content page and entry point updates for tool or feature (if applicable) [Medical records content for phase 0 launch of the Allergies domain]( [Content Epics for Medical records]( [[Epic] Content and IA Request for Allergies domain from mhv-medical-records #54922]( [Content and IA Request for temporary medical records landing page from mhv-medical-records #55512]( **IA artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide Content & IA]( feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form. [IA Design for MHV on ]([]([: Medical Records]( [MHV on ]([]([ IA Mural (Medical records)]( Intake forms: [[Epic] Content and IA Request for Allergies domain from mhv-medical-records #54922]( [Content and IA Request for temporary medical records landing page from mhv-medical-records #55512]( **QA artifacts** An artifact that corresponds to each standard in the [QA Standards]( - [x] [Regression test plan]( - ( - [x] [Test plan]( - ( - - [ ] [Coverage for References]( - (See .xlsx attachment in comments) - [x] [Summary(Defects) reports]( - ( No Defects Found During Test Run) - [x] [E2E tests]( - ( - [ ] [Code coverage]( (provide a link to the product’s code) [MR on VAgov mapping of stories with test cases.xlsx]( **Accessibility artifacts** - [x] [Completed accessibility testing artifact]( For details, see [Prepare for an accessibility staging review]( ##### Platform actions - [X] Follow Moderator Responsibilities guidance for Staging Review - [X] Meeting date/time: ~~September 19, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern~~ Rescheduled: **Friday, September 29, 2023 at 2:00pm Eastern** - [X] [Initial Slack request thread](; [Reschedule Slack request thread]( #### After meeting ##### Platform actions - [X] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - [Staging review - Allergies domain - recording]( - Passcode: M?ete1RH ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review feedback tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns - [ ] Close individual feedback tickets when the issue has been resolved or validated by your Product Owner. If a team has additional questions or needs Platform help validating the issue, please comment on the issue ticket. - [ ] After launch, [request an accessibility audit from the VA 508 Office]( This is required even if no accessibility issues were found during the Staging Review. - [ ] Share ServiceNow ticket number here: ______ - [ ] Close ticket once Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review has been completed, VA 508 Office audit is requested, and all other post-Staging actions are complete

Second Staging Review (Immunizations, Vitals, Care Summaries/Notes, Health Conditions)

Toggle Staging Review #### Before meeting ##### VFS actions - Navigate to reference link: [Staging Review Guidance]( - [x] Schedule your Staging Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly staging review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [ ] Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this event by using the `/Collab Cycle Staging Review` "slash-command" in your team channel. Provide information as prompted by the Slack workflow. - [ ] If this product contains any [experimental design](, add the `experimental-design` label and schedule a meeting with DSC to present the research findings. - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Staging Review artifacts section below at least four days before the scheduled Staging Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section** - [ ] I confirm the environment is available and test users have been provided. - [ ] Please verify your product information in the [Product Directory]( **Staging Review artifacts** See Platform guidance on [Staging Review artifacts]( Platform findings are based solely on the staging URL and test users provided, as reviewed during the four days before the Staging Review meeting. Any test cases not covered or any ongoing work taking place during the review period may not be reflected in those findings. **Product artifacts** - [X] Staging URL - [X] Specify which pages are included in the review The following pages and subpages: - [X] Staging test user information - [x] Staging test user information **Note:** Please double-check that you've provided staging access information appropriate for testing the tool or feature. Don't put staging credentials in your ticket; store [test user information, passwords, and tasks]( in a .md file in the repository. **Content artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including a content source of truth, any relevant static content page and entry point updates, and the intake form. - [ ] [Landing Page]( [Lab and Test Results]( [Settings Page]( [#55310]( **IA artifacts** - [x] Please include a link to any [Sitewide CAIA]( feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form. [IA Spec]( **QA artifacts** An artifact that corresponds to each standard in the [QA Standards]( - [x] [Regression test plan]( - [x] [Test plan]( - [x] [Coverage for References]( Link to spreadsheet mapping stories to test cases: - [X] [Summary(Defects) reports]( MHV-61232: MHV-61206: MHV-58755: MHV-57956: MHV-56832: *as of 8/22/24 - no major defects reported* - [X] [E2E tests]( (provide a link to the product’s code) - [X] [Code coverage]( (provide a link to the product’s code) [Dashboard for unit test coverage]( - look for mhv-medical-records **Accessibility artifacts** - [X] [Completed accessibility testing artifact]( For details, see [Prepare for an accessibility staging review]( Accessibility review from Bobby: ##### Platform actions - [x] [Slack thread with VFS team]( - [x] Meeting date/time: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern #### After meeting ##### Platform actions - [ ] Update this ticket with the Zoom recording - Recording link: - Password: 7ykCU5e. ##### VFS actions - [ ] Review the findings tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns - [ ] Close individual findings tickets when the issue has been resolved or validated by your Product Owner. If a team has additional questions or needs Platform help validating the issue, please comment on the issue ticket. - [ ] After launch, [request an accessibility audit from the VA 508 Office]( This is required even if no accessibility issues were found during the Staging Review. - [ ] Share ServiceNow ticket number here: ______ - [ ] Close ticket once Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review has been completed, VA 508 Office audit is requested, and all other post-Staging actions are complete

Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review

Toggle Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review #### VFS actions - [ ] Complete the [Privacy, security, infrastructure readiness review process]( - [ ] Link to the Readiness Review ticket below #### Platform actions - [ ] Privacy, security, infrastructure readiness review is complete
MarciMcGuire commented 1 year ago

Updated product tag in description to my-health-MEDICAL-RECORDS

briandeconinck commented 1 year ago

Noting here that per the thread in #vfs-platform-support, all Collab Cycle feedback issues previously added to #53450 and #48972 have now been added to this epic.

Asterix22 commented 11 months ago

MR on VAgov mapping of stories with test cases.xlsx

strelichl commented 2 weeks ago

Related CAIA epic: #65243