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[User Story] Improve VSO connection UX based on research findings #54085

Open skylerschain opened 1 year ago

skylerschain commented 1 year ago

Value Statement

As a veteran trying to get a favorable claim outcome, I want to be able to find and connect with accredited VSO reps, so they can help me with my claim.


Summary In our Decision Review Research, we tested a concept that allowed Veterans to connect more easily with accredited VSOs via CST and other parts of This concept tested very well, and it seems like this feature would bring value to the Veteran experience.

Proposal Flesh out this design concept into an actual feature, integrating CST with other sitewide pages to create a better UI for this user journey.


Mock from research prototype Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 1.56.47 PM.png

Open Questions

Acceptance Criteria

rubensun commented 1 year ago

VSO / VA Rep Search exists, linking from this information page.