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[a11y post-MP Support] MHV to Secure Messaging #54823

Closed underpaid1ntern closed 1 year ago

underpaid1ntern commented 1 year ago

Post-Midpoint/Pre-Staging Findings: a11y Mini-Swarm

Details can be found, along with images and recommendations in this Google Doc. Mark as done as you complete these items. Sketch Prototype link as of 3/30/2023.

Midpoint Review Known Issues

Collaboration Cycle: Midpoint Review Ticket for MHV to Secure Messaging

Design Review

Based on the development of the prototype, some of the following may or may not be applicable.

As Time Allows

Original Ticket

Previous Ticket Name

ARIA-content help from MHV to Secure Messaging

What does your team need support for? Check all that apply.

We have a few "MUST" accessibility feedback items from the collab cycle midpoint review that require ARIA labels, therefore, we need Content's support in defining the language to use. Needs include:

Will this new product be released incrementally (for instance 25% of users initially)?

There is a phased launch. Phase 0 will have a whitelisted set of users.

Note: If you checked yes, we'll reach out to discuss details about the content in the react widget.

When do you expect to launch your product to 100% of users?

TBD, but current estimate is Q2 2023.

Supporting artifacts

Please provide supporting artifacts as available.

When does this work need to be done?

Do you plan to bring this to an upcoming content office hours session?

Note: If we think this work would benefit from a collaborative session with you, we may ask you to bring it to office hours or set up a separate time to meet.

About your team

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted this ticket, please post a link to this issue in the #sitewide-content-ia Slack channel and tag Randi Hecht.

If you also need engineering support from the Public Websites team, fill out their intake request form.

If you need a page/URL redirected, a URL changed or a vanity URL set up, please submit a Redirect, URL change, or vanity URL request

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

@RLHecht I tagged myself and @laurwill on this ticket, based on conversations today with Joel Calumpong, Colton Bunney and and Oleksii Morgun in Slack. I also added the tag for sitewide accessibility.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

mhv-secure-messaging thread

SM Smaller Inquiries

Inquiry made about the +5 counter capabilities to read out if there is less than 5 messages are available to load. Discussing text/aria label can be customized to read if there are less than 5 messages.

SM Capabilities

Both link and aria-label can be customized. In fact, we are receiving all thread messages in one call, so we don't need to query backend for that info. This doesn't affect performance. This should be an unsophisticated change on our end.

SM Accessibility and Content

Feedback requested on this item as well as the above ticket request, prior to implementing.

cc: @SarahKay8

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago


@underpaid1ntern We found Alex’s ticket #23559 - we double checked to see if it is working as expected; it does not appear to be. This was reviewed with @briandeconinck. It appears to be blocked by the ticket Brian made with the link/button issue: Inconsistent button/link guidance on the "Navigate a long list" pattern #1613 and relates to DST.


After discussion this further with @briandeconinck, please follow the design system guidance as best you can and any problem that conflicts with the design system guidance is considered outside the scope for what designers can fix.

It might still get flagged as an issue, or a launch blocker at staging; however, if it is not something you have control over it is something that will get passed along for fixing.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Closing this ARIA-content help ticket, since it relates to an item beyond the scope of the project, as commented above on 3/17/2023.

underpaid1ntern commented 1 year ago

Hi @sara-amanda , noted this ticket was closed. Can you please help me understand the content help deliverable for this ticket and reason for closing it? I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding about what the request was seeking. I had marked the desire to schedule a meeting because I felt the issues would benefit from a conversation. I may have missed documentation outlining if I needed to then follow up on Slack with someone?

In the original request I linked screens with specific comments highlighted which helped identify where the content needs are. For example, this line...

-"screen reader-only" h2s: Conversation list block | Most-recent Msg block | Drafting reply block

...details the screens and areas where we were looking for assistance for content concerning screen reader sections. In the past, we'd normally receive comments directly on sketch screens which provided the content feedback needed. As of this comment, there are no comments on the screens that seem to map back to the content needs of this ticket.


Also, we sometimes receive word docs for the content handoff. Please let me know your thoughts.

I'm worried that without specific guidance, our aria labels will not be content style guide compliant. Thank you!

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Status of ARIA-Related Ticket Items

@underpaid1ntern - No worries, I can reopen this ticket if you feel it is not completed. Here is an update below. Let me know if you have any questions, and if you would like to keep this open, or close it, relating to the ARIA labels. Should you need to contact my CAIA content colleagues, they have been splitting tickets out based on IA, Accessibility and Content needs, we can get you a content-specific ticket, if one is needed, just let me know. We are refining the new CAIA process, so my apologies for any disjointed, bumpy steps along the way. I have included some resources relating to ARIA labels and content as well.

Original Ticket Items to Address 🎟️

We have a few "MUST" accessibility feedback items from the collab cycle midpoint review that require ARIA labels, therefore, we need Content's support in defining the language to use. Needs include:

  • "screen reader-only" h2s to help screen reader users parse a page
  • Affordances and screen reader content for message threads
  • screen reader content for conversation links (creating unique identifiers)
  • Aria-live content for "load more messages" design pattern

"screen reader-only" h2s to help screen reader users parse a page :accessibility: 🖥️

My apologies, it appeared this was being handled based on this comment in the MP review ticket, pasting below for reference, along with full recommendation for heading approach:

_BR - above items in progress and will schedule meeting with Accessibility contact. Story created in MHV backlog to update keyboard tabbing/navigation_

However, if it is not, just let me know the link to what BR created, and I can take a look. 🙌

Overview of Next Steps

Looking at your Miro Board

Note: This is all assuming the [h1] is the page's h1 it is pulling in.

MP Ticket Guidance re: Headings

Here is the detail from Brian's MP Review Ticket, below that goes into detail how you should approach these.

Many screen reader users navigate by pulling up a list of headings and then jumping directly to the heading that describes the section they want to go to. (Example: I want to go straight to my most recent messages in the inbox, and skip over the search entirely.) There are not very many headings in certain screens of your prototype or in what Matt has proposed, which means screen reader users may need to do a lot of manual exploration to find what they're looking for. This can be resolved with visible headings on the page, or by adding headings that are visually hidden but still exposed to screen reader users. Either way, there needs to be a more robust heading structure to facilitate navigation.

I can help with this too (or any other a11y specialist), but here's a good self-assessment you can do: Find a friend who hasn't seen the prototypes and describe it to them without showing it to them. Don't describe in terms of layout ("On the left..."), but in terms of relationships ("In that section, there's also..."). Then have that person make a structured outline (think high school English class, outlining an essay) that matches how you've described the prototypes and the relationships between items on the page. Work with them to clean up the outline, which will then tell you what your big sections and subsections should be. Then give each section/subsection a heading.

Once you have your outline/heading structure determined, do a tabletop exercise with someone -- again, without showing them the prototype. Ask them to complete a task, and have them tell you which heading they would jump to if they wanted to complete the task. Adjust the heading structure based on how they do with the exercise. BR - above items in progress and will schedule meeting with Accessibility contact. Story created in MHV backlog to update keyboard tabbing/navigation

Affordances and screen reader content for message threads 🧵

There was a meeting held on March 24, with Brian, Ryan, Mark and Colton, and they discussed approach and this solution and Ryan is working on it.

Here are my 3/24 notes: 📝

  • Accordion component you can specify the heading level assuming H3, you can also tell it to open/close. Pull up the list of headings. Can count through messages and go back six messages, don’t need any extra structure.
  • Keep month as the whole word.
  • Timezone can be dropped or abbreviated.
  • It is important to make sure you are setting up the user for a good match for the first couple of words it is saying.
  • Attachments (visually hidden header) - use CSS to hide it from all users, except screen reader users.

Since then, in the March 29 meeting during the round-robin updates for the MHV Weekly Design Review there was another update, so this appears to be moving forward and addressed as well.

Here are my 3/29 notes: 📝

UCD - waiting to hear back about the new thread design needs concerning the accordion component - launch blocker. Working with Jonathan Nelson for preferences SM; Triage moving into a technical feasibility meeting (admin portal and basic barebones tech feasibility for naming structure); Mass move design - presenting the lo-fi concept shortly.

Current Sketch file from 3/30/2023

Screen reader content for conversation links (creating unique identifiers) 💻 :accessibility:

To my knowledge, this item is being addressed, with the item above. If that is incorrect, please let me know and we can look into this item further.

Aria-live content for "load more messages" design pattern ➕ 📩

Recommendation for "Load More Messages" ✉️

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Hi @sara-amanda could you please provide more specifics as to "load more messages" issues you see. We tested this with our SQA team on both platforms, and it was meeting the criteria. Unless we don't fully understand the requirement

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Hi @oleksii-morgun-va - yes, happy to. We are concerned that the current implementation won't read out on different screen reader/browser combinations, can you provide us with a URL to test this? We are going off of the code in your ticket 23559 and the Miro. If we can have a staging link and steps to replicate, we can dive in a little deeper.

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

@sara-amanda this code is currently in staging. the url is /my-health/secure-messages/thread/:messageId messageId would vary depending on which user you are logging in with, you wold need to retrieve a message thread that contains more than 6 messages

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

RE: Loading More Messages

Screen Readers

Content for Loading More Messages

Language can likely be modified.

cc: @briandeconinck @joshkimux (edited)

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago


@coforma-terry @SarahKay8 I am currently working with @oleksii-morgun-va and @mdewey on the additional a11y findings, related to this ticket and others that were identified.

Ticket Update

I am going to relabel this ticket to cover the a11y issues for Secure Messaging, as a whole. We are using the Google Doc shared from the a11y review session, which includes a11y feedback and next steps.


I will be out of the office 4/11; returning 4/19, so I wanted to update you both on this ticket for coverage. Thanks!

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Ticket Updates

@oleksii-morgun-va @mdewey @SarahKay8 @coforma-terry I updated the ticket body with issues 1-9 from our mini-swarm Google Doc, linking to the Google Doc, in each issue, as well as the Midpoint items A-H, linking to those in the document as well as providing a link to the MP ticket.If you would like to check these boxes off as you make your way through them.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

CAIA Ticket Updates

All of the above will be updated in the working Google Doc as well.

cc: @coforma-terry @SarahKay8 @oleksii-morgun-va @mdewey

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago
oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Issue 7 - resolved here

Issue A was addressed here

Issue C was addressed here

Issue D per this task we validated we are only using icons supported by the Design System throughout the experience

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

CAIA Ticket Updates

Issue 1: Inquiry

Vic Saleem 4/21/2023 via Slack

Could you please offer additional guidance on how our team should handle Issue 1 from the Midpoint Review doc.? In keeping with the recommended standards, our team has found a way to ensure that when a user clicks a navigation link from the left-nav, the screenreader’s focus should then revert to the H1 tag.

However, the ‘Skip to Content’ section notification which takes precedent at the top of the page after screen renders.

Should we have the screenreader focus on to the ‘Skip to Content’ section first ? Or solely on the H1 tag? 

Issue 1: CAIA Recommendation

Hi Vic, it is my understanding that the change would need to be clearly announced, if the focus is set to the <h1>.

After the page is loaded (and after the intermediate announcements while the page is loading), an announcement should be made for the <h1>heading.

Experience Standards:

Reference Items: Related Ticket & Slack

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

CAIA Update

Issues Resolving this Week

4/26/2023: Alex is set to close more issues. The last few are about to get through testing and merged.

Outstanding Issues

4/27/2023: As of 9 a.m. Thursday, the following 9 issues need attention in this ticket; however, some are being resolved this week, per @oleksii-morgun-va, so this list will be significantly reduced after those items are merged.

Issues Linked in this Ticket

Remaining Mini-Swarm Issues

Accessibility Assistance

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Issue A was addressed here department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-website#23661

Issue C was addressed here department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-website#23804

Issue D per this task we validated we are only using icons supported by the Design System throughout the experience

Per comment above, Issues A, C, D were addressed. Please confirm if Issue B is still relevant as we are migrating away from the custom component to a design system accordion

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

CAIA Update

4/27/2023 1:23 p.m. EST

We are down to six issues, with the potential to reduce down to 5. See below. : )

Remaining Mini-Swarm Issues

Remaining Midpoint Issues

Re: Issue B

@oleksii-morgun-va: RE: "Please confirm if Issue B is still relevant as we are migrating away from the custom component to a design system accordion."

Thank you for the ticket updates!

Yes, if you are using a design system component for Issue B, I think you should be ok, so long as the additional considerations, for when you use the recommended component, are taken into consideration. However, you may have already done this step, since these were provided by @briandeconinck.

  • The existing accordion component has an unambiguous string of text that's associated with the action of opening/closing the content.
  • Even if you also show some kind of message preview, there needs to be a clear control with visible text associated with each message when it's collapsed and when it's expanded.
  • Just a note for coding that the "Load more messages" action is going to need some kind of aria-live element for announcing the new content added to the page.

cc: @AngelaFowler82 @SarahKay8 @coforma-terry

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

The accessibility testing artifact #57585 was created by @bryan-riley-va in preparation for the staging review. Should our assistance be needed, I went ahead and tagged us all in it and added it to the CAIA tags. Feel free to review the comments in the ticket itself.

cc: @AngelaFowler82 @SarahKay8 @coforma-terry @briandeconinck

underpaid1ntern commented 1 year ago

Remaining Midpoint Issues

  • Issue F
  • Issue G
  • Issue H

Hi @sara-amanda , Just noting that these issues are closed for us now:

Issue F: should be resolved

Issue G: Team has implemented this advice to our pages

Issue H: Resolved by moving to accordion - and using aria guidance received via slack

Thanks for everyone's help!

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

CAIA Update

Outstanding Issues

4/28/2023: As of 3 p.m. Friday, the following three issues are listed as open in this ticket. Once marked as done, we can close out this ticket. Thank you, everyone, for your help!

Issues Linked in this Ticket

Remaining Mini-Swarm Issues

cc: @coforma-terry @AngelaFowler82 @SarahKay8 @oleksii-morgun-va @underpaid1ntern

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Hi, @RLHecht this will likely be closing soon, so it is on your radar to move to validate status.

AngelaFowler82 commented 1 year ago

What test users can I use to validate these fixes once murged?

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

What test users can I use to validate these fixes once murged?

@AngelaFowler82 you can try with

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Issue # 1 resolved with the following PR

AngelaFowler82 commented 1 year ago

Hello all, I'm attempting to verify the fixes on staging, and when I try to access "compose message" or "inbox" I get a network error. Has everything murged? image

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Hello all, I'm attempting to verify the fixes on staging, and when I try to access "compose message" or "inbox" I get a network error. Has everything murged? image

@AngelaFowler82 The link you are attempting above is for a lower testing environment of MyHealtheVet website which is an old experience of SM and is only accessible on VA VPN. For the scope of testing this migration project, you can access Secure Messaging on staging environment at I mentioned on slack channel that at this moment, API services are down, although you should be able to log in, you will experience technical issues until resolved by MHV Platform

AngelaFowler82 commented 1 year ago

Ok, thank you. I'll hold off until those issues are resolved.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Bug Ticket

Following up on: Issue 4: Minor (4): tab-index="-1" is not removed after being applied or is not needed at all.

Issue 4: non-MHV Issue

Bug Ticket Needed?

Bug Ticket Template for this DST issue.

Update 5/8/2023

Per @jeana-adhoc - Looking in storybook it does seem that this is how the component is built. You open a modal, and tabindex=-1/focus is assigned to the close button, and not the h1/modal title

cc: @AngelaFowler82 @joshkimux @jeana-adhoc @oleksii-morgun-va

AngelaFowler82 commented 1 year ago

Looks like the API is having issues again. I was however able to take a look at the application and have a few preliminary findings. Focus is managed far more consistently, generally landing on the h1 when the user clicks a link. The only exception I saw is when they clidk on "Messages" in the menu. In that case focus dropps to "sent messages." There are a number of links in the folders list which aren't labeled properly. There is a button consistently located at the bottom of pages which JAWS identifies as "unlabeled 0." Perhaps we can circle up for a quick screen reader demo and I'll show you what I'm referring too?

In the message folders, Filter Messages is an h3, it should be an h2.

I was able to confirm that when sending a message, the focus issue associated with the Save Draft option is fixed, focus moves to the h1.

When I generate an error message when sending, focus is placed on Close, however when I close the alert focus is still lost. Today is pretty booked, but I'd be happy to meet at your convenience this week.

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Issue 8 and Issue 9: were resolved as a part of the following Pull Request

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Per our conversation with @AngelaFowler82 on May 10, we were able to determine the following:

There are a number of links in the folders list which aren't labeled properly.

This turned out to be that folders themselves were named in a weird pattern, someone previously tested long names in "unconventional" format like "TEST123TEST123TEST123" etc. We established this is not a labeling issue, does not affect accessibility.

There is a button consistently located at the bottom of pages which JAWS identifies as "unlabeled 0."

We determined that this was on a component which does not have aria-labels and removes inner text when a user is on a narrow screen. This needs to be filed as a bug with DST as this is a site-wide impat. On SM end, we are adding an aria-label to resolve.

In the message folders, Filter Messages is an h3, it should be an h2.

We need to make the changes as per this comment, as some heading levels are skipped. We will do another sweep across entire application

When I generate an error message when sending, focus is placed on Close, however when I close the alert focus is still lost.

We confirmed this is an issue, Angela provided feedback on preserving the focus

Will update here as these fixes are deployed to staging.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

Thank you @AngelaFowler82 @oleksii-morgun-va @underpaid1ntern @RLHecht / @coforma-terry - waiting on fixes to deploy in staging (see above).

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

@AngelaFowler82 We have implemented changes for heading to be in a proper level sequence and maintaining a focus position after closing error alerts or modal on "Compose Message" or "Reply message" views. These have been deployed to staging

AngelaFowler82 commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, you may simply not have merged this yet, but on the new message page "start a new message" is an h1, as it should be, but the next heading is an h3 "new message." That should be an h2. Other than that, everything looks pretty good from a screen reader user's perspective.

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago


RLHecht commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Sara. Closing!

oleksii-morgun commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, you may simply not have merged this yet, but on the new message page "start a new message" is an h1, as it should be, but the next heading is an h3 "new message." That should be an h2. Other than that, everything looks pretty good from a screen reader user's perspective.

Logged to be addressed here

sara-amanda commented 1 year ago

@briandeconinck ^