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Update Authentication related documents - Identity Team #55708

Open joeniquette opened 1 year ago

joeniquette commented 1 year ago

What does your team need support for? Check all that apply.

Will this new product be released incrementally (for instance 25% of users initially)?

Note: If you checked yes, we'll reach out to discuss details about the content in the react widget.

When do you expect to launch your product to 100% of users?

As soon as the content is updated.

Please provide an estimated date so our team can create other relevant tickets. I still need an inventory of what could change.

Supporting artifacts

Please provide supporting artifacts as available.

Will this work be going through the Collaboration Cycle?

When does this work need to be done?

Do you plan to bring this to an upcoming content office hours session?

Note: If we think this work would benefit from a collaborative session with you, we may ask you to bring it to office hours or set up a separate time to meet.

About your team

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted this ticket, please post a link to this issue in the #sitewide-content-ia Slack channel and tag Randi Hecht.

If you also need engineering support from the Public Websites team, fill out their intake request form.

If you need a page/URL redirected, a URL changed or a vanity URL set up, please submit a Redirect, URL change, or vanity URL request

RLHecht commented 1 year ago

@joeniquette Thanks for opening up this ticket. Can you be a little more specific about what content you want us to review? Are these FAQs we have in R&S or ones that are somewhere else on the site? And what are the documents? FYSA @aliyahblackmore

joeniquette commented 1 year ago

@RLHecht I was unsure as to how this process would work. My team owns the content on related to authentication but we've never done a formal update. So I wasn't sure if you had a full inventory of content and sites our team would be able to update or not. If you dont, thats ok, I can get one going within my team and respond back to you to ensure our scope is set.

RLHecht commented 1 year ago

We've been working in ticket #53924 to remove Drupal content that encourages Veterans to create new DS Logon accounts and doing that work in different phases. Is the content you're asking about separate from this?

joeniquette commented 1 year ago

I'll be participating in that ticket as the LGA team asks me to, but I was hoping to do an overhaul of the content in all of those pages. The focus of that ticket is related to DS Logon sunset, I'd like to make my scope a general update as its long overdue.

coforma-terry commented 7 months ago

Marking for follow up at next CAIA ops refinement