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[SiS] Migrate Auth library for SiS (Identity SDK) #55989

Open mjconw3 opened 1 year ago

mjconw3 commented 1 year ago


We need to migrate the existing authentication code from vets-website for Sign in Service integrations, and general use cases for vets-website and outside general use cases. Several main tasks we need to investigate and accomplish include the following:

  1. Project Setup and Requirements Analysis - Roughly 1 to 2 sprints (nearly over but still needs to clean up to make sure these are captured)
  1. Design Phase - Estimated sprints: 3rd sprints and 4th sprints
  1. Core Development - Estimate on 5th sprint to 10th sprint after the 4th sprint is done
  1. Security and Compliance

    • [ ] Perform security audits
    • [ ] Ensure compliance with relevant standards
    • [ ] Address vulnerabilities
    • [ ] Refine security features
  2. Extended Features and Integrations

    • [ ] Develop additional features and integrations based on the initial plan and feedback
    • [ ] Performance optimizations and support
  3. Testing and Quality Assurance

    • [ ] Finalize documentation
mjconw3 commented 1 year ago

@asg5704 and @acald-creator let @kingbmike and I know when you wanna sync on this stuff. We will take some time tomorrow to start writing some tickets based on Alex's Notion Notes (notiotes?)