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<Continue generative a11y feedback research> from <CAIA> #56294

Open joshkimux opened 1 year ago

joshkimux commented 1 year ago

a11y CAIA Asignee(s)

What does your team need support for? Check all that apply.

Last year, we conducted initial discovery research into how disabled Veterans provide accessibility feedback to the VA. This led to us publishing the new accessibility statement page, but we haven't heard much feedback since.

In a recent VAOS usability test with a disabled Veteran today, we received direct feedback on the accessibility statement page.

Some quotes from the session:

Provided these quotes, and existing knowledge from our initial research with the Section 508 office and Tim Hornik (BVA), it would be valuable to continue generative research to better understand disabled Veteran's behaviors, feelings, expectations, and journeys providing a11y feedback (beyond the limiting scope of evaluative usability testing). This could then better inform future... the hopes of creating more direct lines between our a11y work at and Veterans directly, in line with what @artsymartha68 has evangelized for

Possible avenues forward worth discussion may include:

When does this work need to be done?

When time allows, preferably sooner than later

Note: If we think this work would benefit from a collaborative session with you, we may ask you to bring it to office hours or set up a separate time to meet.

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted this ticket, please post a link to this issue in the #sitewide-content-ia Slack channel and tag Randi Hecht.

If you also need engineering support from the Public Websites team, fill out their intake request form.

If you need a page/URL redirected, a URL changed or a vanity URL set up, please submit a Redirect, URL change, or vanity URL request

strelichl commented 1 month ago

@sara-amanda is this work still relevant?

sara-amanda commented 1 month ago

@sara-amanda is this work still relevant?

Thank you for sending us this Backlog item to review, @strelichl

@NaomiPMC @artsymartha68 - perhaps we can add this to the list of tickets to discuss in our next A11Y/OCTO meeting, in addition to New Intakes - if time allows?